Next morning.

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Sabrina hears a knock on the door in the room so she goes to answer the door.

"Get dressed. We have to go to school." Eddie says with an obvious look on his face that screams 'I don't want to be here'.

"Yeah yeah. Leave the room please." Sabrina replies very annoyed and wishing he would just leave her alone so she can get dressed. Soon after she leaves the room and walks out wearing a hellfire shirt.

"What? You don't even play with us. Where did you get that?"

"I got it from your room."

"What do you think your brother's going to say when he picks you up?!"

"Maybe he might be surprised."

Sabrina walks to the car and sits in the passenger seat.

"Woah woah woah! Babies go in the back! Didn't you know?"

"I'm only 1 month younger, prick!"

"Keyword. Younger."

Sabrina sits in the back looking out the window the whole time. She plays with her fingers from boredom.

"What the heck are you doing in that car?" Ask Steve as Eddie arrives at the school.

Sorry this is all I have. I'll try to come out with more chapters almost daily

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