Chapter 16 - Fallen/E.L._.O.

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After the next few hours, Gar and Sam keep up with city surveillance cameras but they haven't been able to spot Conner or Krypto. Their best guess is that they're probably in some secluded alley waiting for things to calm down before they start moving.  It's a bit disappointing and disheartening. They need to find him and bring him back to the tower. It's not safe for them out there alone.

With no luck at the cameras, Sam convinces Gar to come to the kitchen to have a snack. They haven't eaten in a while and they won't be useful if they're hungry. Gar reluctantly agrees but he pulls up the news on a laptop as he paces back and forth, Sam rummaging for a few granola bars. Gar tries to call Dick again but still gets his voicemail.

"Why isn't he answering?" Gar asking, words steaming with annoyance.

"Guilt?" Sam questions, tossing Gar a granola bar from the other side of the counter. "I have no idea. Call Bruce again?"

"Uh..right, um." Gar rubs the back of his neck and Sam narrows her eyes at him.

He neglected to tell Sam that he did not call Bruce when he said he would. He went to call but then hung up before the call went through. Conner was their best chance at getting the Titans back together. He just wants them back, they belong together. They're Titans. But, he knew Sam would probably be mad if he told her. They had one job.

"Gar, did you not call him?" Sam blinks at him, sucking on her teeth.

Gar shakes his head, wincing. "Conner woke up and I thought if we called Bruce, he'd take Conner away and then we'd never get the Titans back to together."

Sam stares at him and she can't believe he was that desperate to lie and then not do what Dick told him to do. Sam knows the Titans mean a lot to him but he should have called. This was probably part of why Dick wanted them to call Bruce. The two of them are not equipped to deal with this and what just happened proves that. But, Gar is beating himself up enough for it and Sam isn't going to beat a dead horse. Especially because it's Gar.

"Okay." She lets out an exasperated sigh, rubbing her face with her hands. "Okay, I'll call Bruce then."

"But we lost him. How are we--"

"Gar," Sam shakes her head. "Look, it's Bruce Wayne. He raised Dick fucking Grayson and took Jason fucking Todd in who was stealing from the Batmobile, okay? He solves riddles from the Riddler. Us losing Conner? That's child's play. Bruce will know what to do." Sam swallows her pride admitting Bruce might be kind of helpful right now and he might not yell at them for it. This can't be worse than anything Dick and Jason have put him through.

"I'm really sorry." Gar's brows knit together with guilt and Sam hangs her head before looking back to him. She can't let him beat himself for it. 

"It's fine, I get it." Sam sighs. "I just wish you would have told me. But, it's okay. I get why you did it. I'll call Bruce and we'll find him." Sam walks over to the other side of the counter and puts her hands on his shoulders. "We got this." Sam gives him a confident smile and it does make him feel a little bit better.

Sam takes her hands off him and just as she's about to walk away, they get alert for someone at zone two. Gar glances to her before going to the laptop and pulling up the intercom feed from the front door.

"Hello? Who's there?" Gar asks annoyed, not seeing anyone.  Sam looks over his shoulder, just seeing the buildings across the street. 

Krypto jumps up on the screen and barks. Sam smiles widely, already making her way toward the elevator. Gar follows right behind her, feeling a little bit of relief. At least Krypto is back and he can lead them back to Conner.

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