Chapter 3 - Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine

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The movie came to a close twenty minutes ago, Rachel already off to her room to get some sleep but Gar and Jason are still in the living room with Sam asleep. Gar doesn't want to move her, he's never been a big fan of waking people up when they're asleep, especially when it's obvious they haven't slept very much. On top of that though, he's not sure if waking her up would scare her and then she'd burn him or something. So, he figures it might be best to just let her sleep. Jason volunteered to hang out with him for a little bit anyway.

Jason looks over and his eyes just land on Sam. She looks peaceful and kind of nice when she's not being a snarky bitch to him. Though, he does kind of give as good as he gets not that he'd ever admit that of course. And maybe he likes that she actually has a bit of fire in her words when she talks to him. Gar and Rachel normally brush off his mean and sarcastic comments and Dick can never be bothered. Sam though, she plays along and maybe he thinks it's a little fun.

"Why are you staring at her, dude? It's weird." Gar looks away from his phone to look at Jason.

Jason shakes his head, grabbing his own phone to scroll through Twitter. "I wasn't staring." He mutters, his cheeks turning a bright red.

"Yeah, you were." Gar insists. "Don't make it weird, she's nice and it's cool to have someone new around."

"I'm not making it fucking weird, man." Jason sighs before he looks back over, glancing between Gar and Sam. "You gonna go for it though?" Jason raises his brows with the question, choosing to deflect.

Gar's eyes narrow in disbelief. "I just said don't make it weird." Gar's voice goes up an octave with his words. "She's been here a day." 

Jason chuckles more to himself than at Gar. "I'm just trying to figure out the rules. You're my friend and I don't wanna overstep, man." He has this grin that absolutely says he will overstep if not told otherwise.

Gar's forehead wrinkles with Jason's words and if it were anyone else, maybe he'd be surprised by how fast he wants this move but it's Jason. The same guy who uses 420 and 69 (or both together) as passcodes so Gar can't actually be too surprised. And Gar also knows that if he doesn't answer Jason, Jason is going to do what he wants. He's an asshole, sure, but he's not a half-bad friend, actually.

"I don't know." Gar shakes his head, almost rolling his eyes. "I haven't thought about it."

Jason hums. "So, I can go for it then? If I want?" Jason asks and then quickly follows up with more. "Not that I do, I'm just asking."

"Right." Gar deadpans and Sam isn't an article of clothing they're swapping because it's nice or something.

She is a living breathing human being who has the right to make her own decisions. Of course, Gar knows that's not what Jason is getting at during this or anything. He's asking if he can flirt or try to actually get with her if she's interested but it doesn't make Gar feel any better. Sam's been here a day and maybe Gar just wants her to settle in before Jason jumps down her throat about it. And, to be completely fair, Gar does think she's very pretty but he actually wants to take the time to get know her before he decides if he'd even be interested. He's just here having fun learning to be a Titan.

"Maybe we just let her come to us if she's interested." Gar proposes, a partial way to get Jason to drop it. "After, she actually gets settled."

"Hey," Jason defends himself, but his voice is still quieter than it normally is. "It's just a question, she seemed to be comfortable around you is all." Jason glances to Sam once more before going back to his phone. "Obviously."

"Can we drop this? She is right here." Gar slightly shifts in his seat, not enough to wake up Sam.

"She's asleep." Jason scoffs before looking back at Gar who just looks annoyed. "Alright, damn chill out. I'll leave her alone for a while."

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