Chapter 14 - Bruce Wayne

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As the morning goes by, Sam and Gar spend most of it in the living room. They ate their breakfast together, far earlier than ever intended but it was kind of nice because it was just them. The rest of the Titans were still asleep and Jason only came by to pluck a pancake off of Sam's plate before going back to his room. Sam and Gar do spend enough time alone but not having anyone else up, besides Jason, is really nice. They just get to be around each other without knowing that someone is going to interrupt or they'll have some type of training session to get to. It's nice and comforting.

One by one, the Titans get up, Dick being the first one and he's surprised to see the two of them awake and in the living room so early, especially Sam. She is not an early riser. He doesn't ask questions though and hopes it's because Sam had trouble sleeping and not because Sam and/or Jason were up to something that Gar had to talk them out of. He just lets them be while they have a rewatch of The Walking Dead.

"I'd totally survive the apocalypse." Sam lets out a sigh as they turn on the fifth episode.

Gar lets out a laugh beside her. "You could survive anything at this point."

"Right? Probably don't even have to try." Sam turns to face Gar. "Okay, if the apocalypse happens," Sam starts and Gar raises his brows at her, intrigued where this is going. "Do you think it'll be like Walking Dead, Zombieland, The Last Of Us, or Love and Monsters?"

Gar lets out a breath, looking to the ceiling before looking back to her. He's definitely thought about this. "Walking Dead or The Last Of Us, both of those seem realistic."

Sam lets out a booming laugh. "True! That would be the most likely scenario, even in a world with metahumans."

"It's also better than Zombieland zombies that can run."

"I know! That makes the whole thing a bit more terrifying." Sam shakes her head. "But, I hope we end up with Love and Monsters because I mean, giant animals."

"That would be ideal." Gar gestures towards himself. 

"A green tiger would be very normal." 


Their laughter subsides and they fall into a comfortable silence. Gar resituates and guilt eats away at Sam's bones. He winces when he moves and she figures it's because his side hurts. She swears she'll be apologizing for it every single day until they both die. She is very grateful for him though because he is very understanding of it. She thinks most people would have dropped her, wanted nothing to do with her, and wouldn't trust her anymore. But, not Gar. She's already apologized several times since it happened and Gar has been telling her that it's okay and he's okay with a kind smile. Sam's said it before and she'll probably always think it, Gar is unfathomably kind.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam asks, guilt coating her words.

"I'm positive." Gar chuckles softly. "I'm fine."

Sam nods softly. "I'm still really fucking sorry."

"It's okay." Gar urges her before taking a drink of the Gatorade. "It was an accident."

"I know." Sam lets out a sigh. "But, I'll probably be trying to make it up to you for...the rest of our lives." Sam laughs softly.

"You don't have to. Rachel nearly took my hand off and I'm fine."

"She...what?" Sam pauses.

Rachel even accidentally attacking Jason makes sense. Jason pushes her buttons more than anyone so if she were going to snap, it would be on Jason. But Gar? What could Gar have possibly done?

"Yeah, I woke her up when you guys got kidnapped. Her cloud of razor blades attacked me."

"Okay, that's not fair. How are you the one getting hurt by us?" Sam groans. "I'm really sorry and I'm sorry I didn't know."

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