026. mickey wilson.

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MICKEY IS actually not doing homework. So, she technically lied. Except for the Mike part, Mike did need to be tutored for a test coming up and the whole time, she was actually the one who's hopeless. She kept glancing over at Mike who's actually reading the work, like the kid's holding a whole textbook, reading the paragraph Mickey highlighted and told him would be very important for that test.

"Mike?" She says suddenly and he just glanced at her for a split second. "Finally, your staring is really starting to creep me out." He says and she rolls her eyes, fidgeting with her hands. "How long did it take you and baby Byers to get past... that stage?" She asked and he suddenly shut the textbook, just to look at her as he crossed his arms and set them on the Wheeler home's dining room table where they're seated, like usual, right across from one another.

"What stage?" The fifteen year old asked the seventeen year old skeptically who sighs. "You know, like... awkwardness. I didn't know whether to hug her, give her a little fist bump or kiss her when I left from that party on Friday night." She explained and Mike raised his brows. "You? At a party?" He sounds shocked.

"Save it. I already got enough teasing from my friends because of it, saying it was only for Chrissy or whatever." She says and he squints his eyes at her. "Wasn't it?" He says quietly and she just gestured to him. "Focus. Answer my question. I tutor you, you tutor me. Like, this is the first, like, actual relationship I've been in that I wanna take seriously the way you do with Will." She says and Mike smiles coyly. "Look at you coming to me for advice when you gave me advice not long ago about how to ask out El to the Snow Ball." He says and she chuckles, glancing down at the table.

"Anyway... I mean, for Will and I, we've always... kind of knew. That we liked each other, that we're in love with one another, it was a mutual agreement we had when we talked recently, like last week actually, that... it was there since the beginning. So it was never awkward, like we just kissed, and we'd hug literally whenever we wanted, I remember making the others annoyed with us when we had a D&D campaign to finish and Will got so stressed he just sat in my lap and I held him for like ten minutes." He laughs and then sighed.

That soft gaze in his eyes and small smile on his face makes Mickey smile. She only wishes that she and Chrissy had known each other as long as Will and Mike have. Maybe it'd get all of this stiffness and awkward stuff out of the way and she'd know when to just lean over and kiss Chrissy the way Mike does even at family dinners or hang outs in public with his friends. That comfortable, easy feeling that assures you your partner won't think you're clingy. That's what Key is really worried about, because she's just so affectionate already.

She doesn't want Chrissy to dislike her.

"Anyway, that's different though... I mean it's not like you and Chrissy were best friends since practically diapers." He says and Key shrugs. "Fair point..." She glanced the other way and then her phone buzzed so Mike returned to his textbook as she raised her phone. It's a text from Chrissy, i have picked a restaurant :) it says so it makes Key smile as Chrissy began typing again before the text pops up, i really would kill for a burger, specifically from benny's, it says this time and she smiles bigger.

anything u want baby she replied then her eyes widen, as the message is read, a typing bubble is popped up then it stops before she set down her phone and sighed quietly, glancing up to see Mike intently reading. "Was it your lover girl?" He asked and she softly nods. "We had a picnic planned today." She says and the younger looked up instantly. "Shit, I'm sorry... You should've told me, I would've beg my mom to let me not go to whatever she has planned tomorrow evening so you'd help me tomorrow instead." He looks down, looking guilty momentarily and Mickey doesn't really like it.

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