019. imessage texts.

84 11 3


how did ur date go? :)

it went well.

oh okay
did you guys have fun?
did you guys ✂️?

you're disgusting edward

it all comes with the my-new-best-friend-is-eddie-munson bundle, did u not read the description and contract?

i skimmed it....

well dirty jokes and innuendos are included and don't forget the no-return policy

mmkay you remind me everyday

is everything okay?

yeah everything's fine eds
why wouldn't it be?

ur kinda giving me bland responses and not talking about ur date

because it wasn't a date
okay? we were just two friends hanging out, it was not really a big deal

christina. don't give me that shit
i've never seen you so happy or energetic since i have the past few months
your serotonin levels have been quite high lately (higher than me) since you started talking to a certain long haired girl who we all know you have a big crush on

it's not a big deal
because it was just a hang out

are you telling yourself that to convince yourself or to convince me?
because robin tells me about the way you stare at key at the cafeteria
like she puts the stars in the sky
vickie mentioned that stare is nowhere near close to how you use to look at jason, your boyfriend of two years

well i've made up my mind
you know... i thought i might like her
but i'm not sure of my own feelings anymore. maybe it's better i tell her and she doesn't have to wait anymore

okay, hold on, what's with the switch up? it's all so sudden. you were excited just 12 hours ago to go on this date with key

well maybe because she didn't even call it a date. she said she liked hanging out. as friends. maybe she wasn't truthful when she said that she would wait for me.

jesus christ, chrissy, you made my heart drop to my fucking ass.
no, okay, no, just.... try and see it from her point of view, chris. you just came out, you told her you weren't ready, and she probably doesn't want to pressure you

but we kissed


um last night when we were talking in my car, i thought that she would get the hint because i really liked the kiss
and i wanted to kiss some more
but she just invited me over to her place and we just watched mandalorian
and fell asleep together
and in the morning she just said she had some family stuff to do, basically kicking me out and i offered we see each other again, like for maybe a second date or whatever
she said "yeah, that'd be cool. it's fun hanging out, i'm glad to be your friend"
like as if we didn't make out just the night before. you know? it's driving me crazy

chris. have you ever thought of... well, i don't know... telling her how u feel?

feelings are scary. talking is scary.

i know. i told vickie i'd rather kill myself than ever tell steve how i feel before he and i got together, we only got together in the first place thanks to her and robin
we're really stubborn

but you did it eventually?

yeah. and now we've been together, happily, i might add, for a year and a half now

what if she lost feelings?
what if she just laughs in my face?
what if now that she knows me, she realizes that i'm really not all that?
what if the crush bubble has burst and she sees me as annoying or picky?

chrissy. don't spiral.
i'm sure she didn't lose feelings.
and i'm sure she won't, key is too sweet.
she probably likes you even more.
and the crush bubble thing is a myth.
i saw steve blow his nose and pick his boogers once and i still wanted him.

ew. that's kinda gross, why would you even wanna see your crush do that 😭

idk but i thought it was cute.
even though he looked deathly sick that whole week he and robin caught the flu
anyways you have nothing to worry about. key is a people person, and she is definitely a chrissy cunningham person

okay... thanks for that eds
also your boyfriend gives shitty advice which i did not listen to bc according to dustin, he gave him the same advice and he lost max to his own bestfriend 💀 talk to him about it
let him down gently though, steve is a little fragile when it comes to his ego

oh my god that's what he meant about being such a good wingman last night while i was too busy sleeping
it's a good thing you didn't listen

i knew better

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