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Today is a super huge day.

My parents are meeting Calum.

And I'm super freaking stressed out. They know I'm gay and are really accepting but I don't know how they'll react to my girly boyfriend.

I just really hope they almost love him as much as I do, because let's face it, no one can beat me in loving Calum.


"So Michael, you can tell your boyfriend to dress casually, we don't plan to go anywhere fancy. It's feels more welcoming this way, right?" My mother asks as she rests her hip on the doorframe, peering in my room.

"Yah, cool." I respond, looking away from my math studies.

She smiles, "I'm so excited to meet Calum." She says as she starts walking away, probably thinking about what she'll cook for us tonight.

I text him to tell him this important message, because you're never sure with a fashion diva.

to: baby girl💕🌸

heyy no dressing fancy tonight k

from: baby girl💕🌸

okie dokie kawaii❤❤❤

to: baby girl💕🌸

god ur lame

I close my phone, knowing he'll probably not answer. He must have started planning his outfit now.

I get up myself to change into something more appropriate because and old shirt and boxers isn't.

I decide on an Iron Maiden shirt and my usual black ripped skinny jeans with combat boots. It all looks really good with my hair, so I confidently point myself put of my room for the first time today. It's already 4pm and Calum comes by at 5.


Calum showed up at my door at exactly 5pm. I guess he really wants to make a good impression. Proud.

I opened the door to find him fiddling nervously with the hem of his black floral skirt, looking down. He looked up to see, sighing happily.

"hey handsome." he said as he looked me over, winking.

I did the same, eyes roaming his attire. He wore one if his cute Korean blouses, a pink lacy light one. It was tucked in a simple black flowy skirt with a vintage flowery design.

"you look beautiful." I responded, looking into his eyeliner covered eyes, admiring his work. He blushed a bit and stepped inside.

"Mom, Calum's here!" I hollered at the stairs, knowing my parents were upstairs.

My mom was the first to come down, her brows slightly raising at the sight of my boyfriend. She quickly broke into a genuine smile, saying "Well, aren't you gorgeous? Never thought my son would bring someone like this home." She chuckled at bit.

"Oh my gosh,mom..." I face palmed in
embarrassment, but also to hide my smile.

She accepts Calum as he is. I could literally jump to the sky right now. I smiled even wider when my dad told Calum he was very cute, saying what my mom said in different words.

Why are families so embarrassing?

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