Pozis quickly recovered, his rage fuelling his relentless assault. He lunged forward with a series of quick jabs and slashes, attempting to catch you off guard. However, your reflexes were honed and your movements precise. You effortlessly evaded each strike, your body fluidly weaving through the air.

With every dodge and counter, you further frustrated the Trandoshan, fuelling his desperation. His attacks grew more ferocious, but also more reckless. Seizing the opportunity to exploit his mounting anger, you patiently awaited the perfect moment to strike back.

As Pozis lunged at you once again, his snarling face distorted with fury, you sidestepped his attack and swiftly maneuvered behind him. With lightning speed, you unleashed a devastating blow to the back of his head, sending him crashing to the ground.

The impact reverberated throughout the arena, causing the crowd to erupt in a mixture of gasps and cheers. You stood over the fallen Trandoshan, your expression unwavering.

"Still think you can defeat me?" you taunted, your voice dripping with confidence. "You're nothing more than a feeble beast, blinded by your own arrogance."

Pozis struggled to rise, his body battered and bruised, but his spirit unbroken. He clenched his fists, determination flickering in his eyes. Slowly, he pushed himself up, ignoring the pain coursing through his veins. With a defiant roar, Pozis charged at you once again, summoning the last of his strength. But this time, you did not evade. Instead, you stood your ground, bracing yourself for the clash. The Trandoshan's fury propelled him forward, his every muscle straining as he lunged towards you with unmatched force. The ground trembled beneath his weight as he swung his fists in a wild flurry, aiming to overpower you with sheer brute strength.

But you remained steadfast, channelling your focus and inner strength. With unwavering determination, you met Pozis head-on, meeting his onslaught blow for blow. Each clash of your fists resonated with a resounding impact, echoing through the arena. Despite his ferocity, the Trandoshan began to realize the futility of his rage. His attacks lacked finesse, while yours were calculated and precise. You effortlessly anticipated his moves, parrying his strikes with graceful ease.

Sensing his vulnerability, you swiftly seized an opening in his defence. With a masterful combination of speed and skill, you expertly maneuvered around Pozis, striking him with an incapacitating blow to his midsection. The force of the impact sent him sprawling to the ground, his breath knocked out of him. As the dust settled, the Trandoshan lay on the arena floor, battered and defeated. His once intimidating presence now diminished to a broken and humbled warrior. You stood over him, your voice carrying a note of triumph.

"Your rage blinded you, Pozis," you declared, your tone firm but not without empathy. "True strength comes from discipline and control. Unfortunately, you won't have another opportunity to learn that lesson."

His eyes widened in realisation as you were about to deliver the finishing blow under the loud cheers of the crowd. Your hand pierced through his chest, holding his heart you pull out your arm and raise Pozis heart to the cheering crowd.

The Announcer was shocked and pleased at the same time.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we have a new Champion!" he screams into the crowd, "All odds were against him. Nevertheless, he stood his ground and defeated the Boneshaker. Let me present to you, the new Master of this ring. The Gladiator, the Dominator, the ice cold (S/N)!"

The Announcer wrapped his fingers around your wrist and once again raised your arm to the cheer of the throng, with the Trandoshan's heart still in your hand.

After the exhausting fight you were sent to another building. Accompanied by the Buyer the both of you were riding an elevator to the highest floor. He then led you to a fancy door and pressed something like a keycard against the locking mechanism. Behind the door was a big and fancy apartment, on the left side were large windows, from which you had a stunning view over the whole city and beyond. You gaze out at a breathtakingly beautiful scenery that unfolds before your eyes. The panoramic view reveals a sprawling metropolis bathed in the warm glow of artificial lights, with towering skyscrapers reaching towards the star-speckled heavens.

The cityscape below is a tapestry of gleaming futuristic architecture, adorned with intricate designs and illuminated by vibrant holographic billboards. The buildings, resembling majestic spires and geometric marvels, form a mesmerizing silhouette against the darkened backdrop of space. In the distance, sleek speeder crafts glide effortlessly through the air, their sleek forms leaving luminous trails behind them. The hum of their engines and the occasional blaster fire create an ambient symphony, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the city.

"Welcome to your new home, Gladiator." the Buyer said a bit mockingly.

You didn't bother to answer and just gave him an annoyed look before returning your gaze back to the scenery outside.

"As gift I prepared a little something for you today." he then pressed a button on a remote and another door began to open. Behind that was the bedroom and rage began to fill up your body as you saw what 'present' the Buyer prepared for you.

Sitting on the bed was Bo dressed in nothing but lingerie along with a female Pantoran and Chiss. Her uncomfortable look told you everything you needed to know. Your hand rushed to the throat of the Buyer, letting him struggle for air.

"What is this!?" you ask, your voice filled with anger.

"I thought you might want to enjoy some relaxation after such a brutal fight." the Buyer said with priggish smile on his lips.

Your grip tightened and you could feel the fear rise inside the three females as the buyer struggled for air but kept his smug smile. In his hand the Buyer had another remote, with his and barely hovering over a red button.

With only a look he made clear what happened if he were to press that button and so loosened your hand and let him go. The Buyer coughed a few times and then straightened his clothes again before leaving with a last comment.

"Enjoy your toys while you can. Oh, and don't forget who really owns them."

~Writers note

My exams are strating tommorow and it has been more than a week since I last got a chapter out so I somehow managed to get this one ready for you. Plus we have 2,95 K readers at the moment, I can't thank you guys enough for your support. You are the absolute best. It keeps me motivated and I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I do. As always feel free to comment as you'd like. See ya'll in the next chapter then. ;)

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