Tickets ( Chapter 15)

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Jimin's POV

*I was just standing there and thinking what to do with the tickets I decided to text in our group chat to see if they are free or not they replied me right away *

-Group chat-

Jimin: Hyung's are you guys free tonight??

Jin: Sorry Jiminie, hyung have some work tonight

Jimin: What about you hobi hyung?

Hoseok: me too I'm gonna be working till late

Jin: But why did you asked?

Jimin: Oh.. It's nothing I was just curious, I'll go now

- - - -

*What now? They both are I quickly ran to the company cuz I was standing there for a long time and forgot about being late, Everyone was looking at me with weird expression on their face while I was running but I didn't really cared I opened the door of Mr.Jeon's cabin*

Jimin: I'm.....s... sorry.....sir... I'm la...late *while catching my breath*

*He did'nt said anything just staring at me with a smile*

*He did'nt said anything just staring at me with a smile*

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Jimin: What is it sir? Is there something on my face?

No-one's POV

Jungkook: *while shaking head* Nothing just glad that you are back after a long time

Jimin: *smiles* Me too

Jungkook: Okay now that you're here, can you please bring.....

Jimin: Your banana milk

Jungkook: *nods* You know me so well

Jimin: Of course, I'll be right back*I turned and waited a little bit he didn't call me as usual so I walked out of the cabin but I was a little surprised when he said 'Please'*

Jungkook: Welcome back Jiminsii

Jimin: *I came out of the cabin and found people staring at me I tried to ignore but one girl pushed me*

Girl: Why are you here???? I heard you broke into the Cafe

Jimin: I didn't! *I said while getting up*

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