She looked up at the waxing gibbous moon shining brightly through the trees. She always enjoyed looking at the moon and stars. They made her feel small and alone, but not in a bad way, it just made her realize that the universe is so big. There are so many possibilities out there, why should she waste time worrying about insignificant things in her life?

Just then, she heard the sound of metal scraping just ahead of her. She froze in her spot, considering turning home before pulling her switchblade out her pocket and flipping it open. As she slowly moved forward, the noise got louder. It sounded like it was coming from a car.

She braced herself for what she was about to see before moving around the bush, gripping her blade tightly in case she had to use it.

"Dally?" she said, surprised. He was bent down near the car's tires, a knife in hand.

"Jesus man," he said, jumping back startled, "what the hell's wrong with you Maeve, sneaking up on me like that?" He said, irritated. Though Maeve could see that  he was a bit shaken up.

"Me? I thought you were an ax murderer! I was about to stab you!" she said, making stabbing gestures with her blade.

He huffed a laugh, "Yeah, sure you were. What are you doing anyways, walking around this late?"

"I was going out for a walk. What are you doing slashing tires this late?" she asked accusingly, smirking

"None of your business. Now why don't you go on home," he suggested, before turning back to what he was doing.

Ignoring both comments, she walked towards him.

"Who's car is this?"

He sighed in annoyance, "Some asshole with an attitude problem. Maybe this'll shut him up,"

Maeve stood there next to him, watching as he drew lines inside of the car with his blade.

"If you're not gonna leave you might as well help," he sighed.

"Want me to kick out the tail lights?" she suggested.

"Sure," he said, looking slightly surprised that she offered, "boy, Pearson's gonna be pissed when he sees this tomorrow," he said with a grin, his knife making screeching noises as he dragged it through the metal.

It took a couple tries, but Maeve eventually managed to shatter both tail lights. She stood back to admire her work. Dally had moved on to stashing at the front tires, when she heard a door creek open.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!" yelled a guy from the front door Maeve could only assume was Pearson. She looked at Dally in panic, not knowing what to do. For a second she was worried he might start pummeling the guy—that was until Pearson stepped out into the light of the nearby street lamp, and she saw how big he was.

He had to be twice the size of Dally. Not that Dally wasn't a good fighter, most wouldn't dare fight him outta fear of a broken rib, but he wasn't that good.

"Winston!" Pearson barked angrily, moving towards them, "What the fuck did you do to my car?! I'm going to kill you!" he yelled.

Dally then turned, grabbed Maeve's hand, and ran. Her fight or flight hadn't kicked in yet, so she lost her footing, nearly falling down before regaining her balance and running alongside him.

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