Am I jealous? Can't be...


I couldn't stand the thoughts invading my mind. I had to get out of there.... The insight on Chris and I having sex kept replaying in my head. It was literally driving me insane.

I couldn't handle the pressure so I ran. I'm known to run away from things that I believe are bigger than me.

I was tired as hell, so I decided to cop a seat on a bench in the nearby park.

Looking at the kids playing on the playground seemed to ease my mind. Just then, my serenity was interrupted.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" I heard from a husky male voice.

Peering up, I was amazed at how sexy he was.

"Uh, no" I managed to choke out, scooting over, allowing him more space to sit.

"My name's Michael" he smiled.

"I'm Justice" I replied, looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah well that outfit is doing you much justice right now ma" he complimented.

I blushed and looked down, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Thanks so much" I giggled, messing around with my nails.

His phone began ringing, which was kinda starling, causing me to jump in fright.

"One sec" he spoke, getting up and walking out of hearing distance.

I nodded in response and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my twitter feed.

"I'm back" he smiled.

I returned the gesture and stood up to my feet, for he was still standing.

"Woah, you're pretty tall" I gasped, in taking the variation of height between the both of us.

"You're really short" he laughed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes a bit before turning the opposite way.

"Did I make you upset Justice? I'm sorry" he laughed harder.

I turned back to where I was facing him and punched him hard in the shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for?" He groaned, his jolly tone fading.

"Making fun of my height jerk" I spat, looking up at him.

"I will get revenge" he grinned.

"If you think so" I yelled before running off across the field of grass.

"Get back her shorty" he yelled, chasing after me.

"Ahh, get off. For a twig, you're pretty heavy Michael" I groaned.

Currently, he was sitting on my ass with his legs crossed, as if he was the king of something.

"Apologize yo" he laughed, wiggling around on my buns.

"Aye!" I shrieked, flipping us over.

"How the hell?" He asked, looking shocked that I'd done such.


"Ha! Nerd" she giggled, smacking my face.

"Justice!" I yelled, covering my face.

"Yes Michael" she whispered, sounding different.

I uncovered my face and saw her biting her lip, looking down at me.

"Uhh" I sang, looking at her perfect boobs.

"You're really cute Michael, got a girlfriend?" She asked...

"No" I trailed off, cupping her boobs into my hands.

She gasped in response and giggled afterwards.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized, removing them.

"Wanna hang out tonight. Ya know get to know each other a little better?" She asked hopefully.

"Yes" I replied, gripping her hips so that she wouldn't fall and sitting up.

"Yay!" She cheered, bouncing up and down.

"Agh" I groaned, looking away, closing my eyes.

"What happened?" She gasped, cupping my face.

Damn her hands were little and fucking cold 😭

"You were bouncing on ma dick" I whispered.

"Oops" she laughed, getting off of me.

"C'mon Mikey" she laughed again.

Damn she laugh a lot....

There's quite some errors. I'll fix them later .

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