Holla at me

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Justice. You have to pull yourself together. Don't slip up. Now go and take control!

I was giving myself a bit of pep talk in my head.

As I walked towards the entrance, I slipped on something.

"Owe" I groaned, clasping onto my head with my palm.

"Lemme help you" I heard.

Looking up, Chris was throwing out his hand with a genuine smirk stamped on his face .

Why he had to be so sexy ? 😭

"I got it" I spat, rejecting his hand and getting up on my own.

"Feisty much?" He asked, apparently taken back by the tone I'd used with him.

"Chris. You know that August has a problem. Why would you let him smoke?!" I semi-yelled, aggressively.

"Calm down man. Damn! That ain't my job or none of my business." He spat.

This nigga.

"Whatever" I mumbled, bumping past him.

I felt myself being pulled back by my waist.

"Watch who yo ass bumpin'" he spoke, deeply.

I looked up into his eyes and seen pure lust.

I scoffed and pushed him off of me before walking out the door to see August smoking while on his phone.

"August" I called.

He looked up at me and puffed again.

"Yea?" He spoke, his accent heavy.

"Give me the drugs" I spoke cautiously.

He laughed and looked over at me.

"Fa one, weed barely a drug. And nah' I ain't done wit da blunt Chet" he said, inhaling the smoke of it once more.

"August. I'm warning you." I said, with an attitude.

"And I'm warnin' yo ass too. Back da fuck up off me or we gon have problems b" he stated nonchalantly.

😮 excuse me?

"K" I said, pretending to walk away. But instead, I turned around and jolted him with my tazer.

"Ahh" he groaned out in pain on the ground.

"Gimme this shit" I spat, snatching the blunt from in-between his fingers and walking inside.


"Thanks for the ride" I thanked the nurse from the hospital. She was nice enough to drop me back off to the facility.

"No problem. If you need anything you have my number." She smiled.

"Ok" I said, about to walk away.

"Alisha!" She yelled through the open car window.

"Yeah?" I asked turning around.

"I'm here for you" she promised.

"I know and thanks once again Brooke" I replied.

"Anytime" she smiled before honking and pulling off.

As I got to the stairs, I noticed a huge ass lump near the entrance of the door. Once I got closer to the lump, I noticed it was August. Groaning in pain!

I rushed over to him.

"OMG, August are you ok?" I panicked.

"Ahh, it hurts" he whined, rocking on his side.

Where it all startedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant