Chapter 22 ~ Gay Club, Party of Five

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Tuesday morning, I woke up feeling that I had slept very well. As I was getting breakfast, my mom made the comment, "You seem happy this morning." I told her that yes, I was happy. I tried to relate this happiness to the fact that I was getting therapy now, but really the events of last night were still filling me with butterflies. What would Kris do when she saw me at school? I couldn't wait to find out.

When it was time for English class, my class right before lunch, I cautiously walked into the bright room our teacher had decorated with colorful posters and pictures. It seemed brighter today now that I had caught Kris's eye. Timidly, Kris waved at me.  She had been putting her hair in a ponytail more often recently, and I thought it looked nice that way. Today she was wearing a studded choker, which I admired despite the fact that I would never wear something like that. Then, as usual, she was in a dark t-shirt. Smiling, I walked over to her.

"Hi," I grinned.

"Hey," Kris replied, excitement sparkling in her eyes. "You sleep well?"

"Oh sure," I giggled. "You?" My gaze shifted to Jo as she walked by and gave us a suspicious look. Expecting Kris to make a comment on Jo's gaze, I was surprised when she didn't. Kris just nodded at Jo.

"Um," I began, but the bell rang just then. I forgot that Jo and Kris had been dating. Were they still? This was a question to ask at lunch. Taking a seat at my desk, I prepared for another hour of lessons. Mostly, I could pay attention to what the teacher was saying about a book we were going to start reading and the assignments that would follow. However, I couldn't stop myself from glancing at Kris every once in a while. Sometimes, I found that she was looking back at me, and she would stick her tongue out at me or beam happily. I hoped that the next time our seats changed, Kris would be sitting closer to me.


That whole day Tuesday, I felt like I was walking in a dream. Kit liked girls. Kit liked me. It felt too good to be true. For most of the morning, I had gone to my classes in a sort of shocked daze, but when I saw Kit during fourth hour, I had woken up a little. This was actually happening, wasn't it.

Kit had headed to the bathroom or something, so she didn't follow me to the cafeteria. Sometimes, Jo didn't follow me either. She friends all around the school that she liked to talk to at any time during the school day; sometimes she even skipped class with others. And so I walked to the cafeteria by myself and met up with Sherry. For some reason, Riley and Sophie weren't there. I figured Riley must be sick.

"Kit is really happy today," Sherry smiled, as if we had a mutual understanding that this was my doing.

"That's good," I replied, taking a seat across from her. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Did you already suspect that Kit was a lesbian?" I asked. I wondered, because Sherry had sometimes started saying something about Kit and her previous relationships. Sometimes she would begin to say something about Kit's sexuality. Then she would stop.

"Yes," Sherry answered. "I once asked Kit a long time ago if she ever considered that she might be a lesbian, and she was appalled by the idea."

"Well. Times have changed," I smirked.

Soon enough, Kit started coming over to our table. Sherry leaned closer to me and added, "She'll need help processing it though. If her parents find out, they will not support her."

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