Chapter Twelve: Healing

Start from the beginning

Emily sat my plate in front of me. It looked really good. There were two cinnamon pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and fresh grapes. She placed a sippy cup next to my food that was filled with apple juice.

"Thanks Em."

"Of course sweetheart I can't let you starve under my watch."

"Would you like help eating?"

"Nope, I am a big girl and big girls can eat on their own. "

"If you say so." She walked back into the kitchen with a grin on her face. I started eating my bacon first. Once I finished that and my eggs and started working on cutting my pancakes which was a lot harder than I thought.

"Would you like help cutting your pancakes big girl." Emily had a smirk on her face as she spoke.

"It's not funny and I would like your help." I put my fork and knife down in frustration.

"It's okay to ask for help Lena. No reason to get upset."

"It's just annoying. I feel like I can't do anything right."

"That is certainly not true. You keep the boys entertained, you help Emily in the kitchen all of the time. I could keep going."

"Sammy! I missed you! Where'd you go?"

"I had to go on patrol."

"All by yourself that's strange." Emily was now done cutting my pancakes and helped me eat them.

"See that wasn't bad. And you did eat most of your food on your own so be proud of yourself." She kissed my forehead and took my dishes to the sink. All of the boys were outside already so I went out. They were all crowded around something and due to my height I couldn't see over all of their big heads. I poked Jared in the back of his head and he turned around, "you don't want to see this princess. It's kind of scary."

"I wanna see it."

"Elena, this is not something you want to see, trust me. The rest of the boys will say the same thing. Right guys?"

"Yeah Ellie, you should go back to the house. Put a movie in or something." I acted like I was going back inside but last minute I ran in front of them only to see a deer that had been shot. "It's just like my dream last night. Same exact place and you were all standing around it. Its okay I know what to do." I approached the dying deer and sat next to it, I put its head in my lap and pet her to calm her down. She relaxed in my arms, I continued petting here and could feel warmth leaving my hands and flowing through her body. The bullet hole began closing and she was breathing more steady. "Be careful out there, okay? You have babies inside of you and they want to see the world with their mama." I kissed her head and she began to stand on her own.

"What the heck just happened?!"

"Its pretty obvious Paul I just saved that mama and her babies. She was dying and I saved her. It was nothing special. I did it in my dream last night. That whole situation happened so I knew what to do." I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't get what the big deal was. Everyone is always so surprised. They're just dreams. Does nobody else dream in the world?

"Do the Cullens know about this?"

"Yeah they kind of acted the way you are now. Everyone was surprised and said a human should not have a power like this. They said I am stronger than Alice because my vision is set to exactly what will happen. They said the Volturi might try to take me because of my power. The Volturi will be very mistaken if they try to take me from you guys."

"We would never let that happen. Elena, you wanna head over to my house and we can talk to my dad about it?"

"That's fine."

"You wanna ride or do you want to walk?"

"I'll take a ride. I am getting sleepy." Jake picked me up and carried me bridal style to his house. When we got there Billy was sitting on the porch reading a newspaper. "You couldn't wait to see me?"

"Actually dad something happened with Elena and I don't know if you might have some knowledge on it."

"What happened Jacob? Did she get hurt?"

"No but I do think she tired herself out. So me and the rest of the boys went outside to mess around while we waited for Ellie to finish eating. A deer that had been shot wandered out of the woods and collapsed in front us. When Ellie came out of the house she wanted to know what we were looking at. We didn't want her to see so we told her to go back inside. She never listens to us. We thought she was going to go inside but she ran in front of us and saw her. She sat down and placed the deer's head on her lap. She began petting her and then she started to heal her. The bullet hole closed and the mama got up and went back into the woods. The Cullens know about the dreams but I don't think they know about the healing."

"That is a lot to process. Let me speak to the rest of the council. And we will have to schedule a meeting with the Cullens. I do not think she is a danger to others but I do think she could be a danger to herself if she is not taught how to control this better. For now lay her down in your room. I am sure she would appreciate your warmth. She has a few hours until the bonfire anyway. Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

"Of course, we all care about her and don't want to see anything happen to her."

"I know that is why I am going to schedule a meeting with my fellow council members and then the Cullens. I may have an idea for what this may be."

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