Ch. 27: An Important Question

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Suddenly, you heard the clicks and whirs of metal gears before looking back up to see that the sky light was opening, letting in a cool breeze from the outside air. The sky was even more beautiful now, and you could clearly make out small stars in the pink sky that shone like gemstones. In a few hours the moons would be full in the sky, and you wished you could bask in their glow. People gasped and clapped at the display, eyes being drawn upwards to take it all in.

"Well, what do you think?" The prince smirked, stepping up behind you quietly. Your tail puffed up, the only tell-tale sign he had gotten the jump on you.

Your eyes were wide, sparkling under the setting sun, your lips parted ever so slightly as you smiled. "Vegeta I- I don't even know what to say."

The prince held out a hand, looking into your eyes and blushing slightly. "Will you dance with me?"

You raised an eyebrow and laughed lightly, "to what music?"

He raised a finger and paused, and as you listened closely, music began to play. He glanced back at you, setting his other hand behind his back while the first remained stretched out to you.

"Okay Veggie, I'll bite," you laughed, taking his hand as the rest of the elites began to partner up.

He didn't comment on what you called him, more so enraptured by your smiling face under the colorful light of the sky. You looked beautiful to him, prettier than anything he had ever seen before. He set his hands on your hips while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled you in close, and you could feel the warmth coming off of his body as the two of you began to waltz.

"I'd say tonight has been going pretty well so far," he whispered to you, his voice deep and rumbling. Your chest was practically pressed against his, and a shiver ran up your spine from the vibrations.

"Yes, it has," you giggled. "I'm surprised you've been so happy though. I seem to recall you being pretty against all of this a few days back."

He raised an eyebrow as he smirked, "and what exactly did I say to give you that impression?"

You pressed a finger to your chin as you pretended to think. "Hmm, something about how you don't need a princess? That you needed more time to train? And that the ancestors were stupid."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head as you laughed. He raised an arm above your hand and spun you slowly, watching as your cape fanned out around you and the jewels along you're forehead swayed with your hair. "Well, I did some thinking and I talked with Nappa. He gave me some advice, then I of course talked to my father."

You raised an eyebrow as he chuckled, "talked about what?"

His tail flicked around excitedly, giving away his emotions as he tried to keep a straight face while the two of you waltzed. He leaned in close, his breath ticking the skin around your ear and sending goosebumps running up along your skin. "You."

You felt your face flush as he leaned away, grinning with that underused smile of his.

"What exactly did you need to talk about involving me?" Your heart was racing, practically beating out of your chest at this point as you looked up into his eyes, searching for any tell-tale sign this was all a prank.

"I didn't want to go through this whole damn thing because of you," he chuckled. "Originally I was just going to call it off, but Nappa said to talk to my father, and so I did."

You froze in your tracks, staring at him as your mind struggled to process his words. He quickly pulled you towards him before another group could bump into you. "Are you serious?"

DBZ: The Princess Saga (Vegeta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now