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"Are you nervous?"

Reese looked at her Mom as they walked into her campus apartment. "Why would I be nervous? It's literally school. If anything, I'm completely dreading even being here."

Serina shook her head at her youngest child. "But you start soccer next week. So you don't have to be dreading it for long."

"I guess."

Reese was moving into her campus dorm apartment a week early. Unlike Georgia, she had this apartment completely to herself and was ecstatic for it. She loved privacy as much as anything else and couldn't wait to be alone every day.

Today and tonight she wouldn't be alone because when she finished the unnecessary process of moving into her dorm, the Davis family was invited to a dinner at the Eagles stadium.

The season started next week as well and they wanted to get it started the right way. Reese just didn't want to go.

"Are you ready to go get your dress?"

Reese looked around the living area of her dorm, wanting to die at all the unpacked boxes. "Yeah. I'm ready. Dad gave me the credit card but my wallets in the car."

"You should do like a satin green dress."

"Okay." Reese said, eyeing the dress in her mothers hands. "I like that. Are you getting it?"

Serina smiled. "I sure am. I'm gonna go get fitted while you pick out a dress."

After picking a dress, Reese went into the fitting room to try it on. She'd purposely skipped breakfast this morning so her dress would fit the way she wanted it to.

"Okay. Let's see."

The soccer goalie pulled the dress up her legs and around her body, attempting to zip the back. When she realized the dress was too snug to fit, her mouth fell open just the slightest bit. The dress was a size three and unless she'd grown over night, Reese had the wrong size.

Tears pricked in her eyes as she turned her back to the mirror and glanced over her shoulder. There was no room left in the dress and the zipper wasn't even up.

She didn't have much time to feel bad because the woman that fit her mother for her dress slipped into the room without knocking. "How's everything? A little snug?"

"A little." Reese said, trying not to feel ashamed and disgusted with herself.

"What size do you normally wear?" The woman asked.

She sighed. "Usually a 3."

"One thing you should know about Wang's dresses from this line is that they run very small." The woman, Ellie, explained. "So you got a 3 and it's basically gonna fit like a double 0. I had to realize that a while ago."

"Really?" Reese took a sigh of relief. "I thought I gained weight over night."

Ellie waved her off, laughing. "No, girl. These dresses run super small. Let me get you a bigger size and you slip on out of that one."

When she left, Reese slipped from the dress and did a silent thank you to God. The girl always had near panic attacks every time she tried on clothes and it had been that way since she was 14.

Keeping weight off was easy but Reese was still defensive when it came to what she ate. She worked really hard to keep her body in good shape so when she felt like it wasn't paying off she always panicked.

It didn't feel like anything that Reese would get over anytime soon.

After shopping and getting ready, Reese and her mother met Jordan and her father at the Eagles dinner. It was crowded with players, coaches, and family but Reese wandered off to find her Dad before anything.

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