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[ 3 ] memories and regrets [ 3 ]


Annabeth Chase sat on the shores of another planet.

It had been two months since she had left Earth.

Two months since she had left school.

Two months since she had stopped being a bully.


Why did she bully the other kids?

Well, it was simple.

In fact, Annabeth Chase only bullied those kids, because she had a secret crush on Percy.

She slept thinking about him, woke up thinking about him, she just couldn't do anything to stop her feelings.

So, she thought to bully him, and that would give her a general disliking of him.

It never worked.

So when one day, when Percy mysteriously disappeared, she started regretting her actions.

She blamed herself for what she did.

She blamed herself because she thought he left because of her.

She had no reason to be sorry.

She had already did it.

No way will she meet him again.

* * * *

"Bianca?" Zoe Nightshade, the lieutenant of the Hunters said.

"Yeah?" The girl said.

"Lady Artemis wants to talk to you," Zoe said, and walked past. She then stopped for a moment, and then heard a scream in the woods. She froze, and looked around to see if anyone else heard it.

Nobody looked bothered.

So, almost on instinct, she raced off into the woods, her bow in her hands. Unconsciously, she touched her hairpin (In this book, Zoe still has Riptide) while still moving forward into the cold, freezing, snow-covered forest.

At last, after what felt like hours, a huge, ruined mansion appeared in front of her. Her sides were aching so badly. 

But the screams were coming inside there.

Screams of a girl.

Zoe shifted her bow uncomfortably. 

The sight was menacing. A whipping sound was heard, and more screams of agony coming out.

That only made Zoe angrier. A male, a disgusting monster, deciding to attack a maiden was unacceptable.

She went into the ruined mansion, her bow in hand. The screams became louder and louder as she walked further and further into the place.

She located the place where the screaming was coming from, and turned the handle.

And inside, after processing what was happening, she gasped loudly.

And a few heads turned around.

* * * *

Nico gasped. "My sister is part of them!"

"Isn't Chaos a good person?" Magnus asked.

"No," Percy said. "She tries to constantly hunt us three down, sends explosions on locations we would be in hours before."

Carter frowned. "Meanie." Sadie chuckled.

"Ehh, EXCUSE ME!" a teacher shouted down the corridor. "Parents aren't allowed here-"

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