chapter one

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EVER HAD THAT friend who is always motivating you to do the right things.

Well that's just Anita for me. We've been best friends since diapers. Yes, diapers and we've been together from childhood to teenage years and now adults. Basically seen eachother's best and worst moments. My worst losing my mum and also my devastating injury in highschool which completely halted my dreams of becoming a professional basketball player. Tough.

About motivating me right, she's currently doing the complete opposite.

"C'mon, you need to party with me tonight. It's good for you. please".

"Umm, can you tell me how that's good for me. I am resuming my job on Monday. I need to prepare, you know me everything needs to perfect.

"Charlotte please" Anita sighs collapsing on my bed as we are currently in my room.

"That's on Monday, two days later." she emphasized exhaustedly.

I smile and decide to lay on the bed beside her.

"Ani" I say smiling. "I know you mean well but you know how I want to get prepared before Monday."

"Of course, only the Charlotte Larson that I know needs to prepare over the things she's superb at"

"Superb, I laugh. I superb?" I say getting up from the bed. "The last time I checked, my brain is currently thinking of a million and one ways I'm going to screw this"

Anita gets up hurriedly and holds my hands "you see this is why you should go out tonight. Loosen up, you've got the weekend to prepare and I know Charlotte Larson is going to kill this cause there no one else who is as passionate as you are about basketball. I also believe helping others recover from injury and get back on court brings you joy right...."

She looks at me in the eye, "seriously there no one else like you and you are gonna kill it. Trust me, I've never lied to you so there's no way this is different."

Yes there's no way this is different, I repeat in my head and I'm going to kill this.

I look at Anita in the eyes. "Let go party!!!" I scream.


Anita and I sit in my living room ready listening to avoid things by tems waiting for our uber to arrive. I can already tell that I'm going to have fun as my body is tingling with excitement as I sip my wine. Anita suggests we get in the mood before we arrive at the party.

"Hmmm" Anita moans closing her eyes

"Are you serious right now, who does that after taking champagne?"

"Me okay!, gracious Lord this is good wine. Where did you get this?"

"Actually it was gifted to me by someone" I say adjusting the straps of my dress.

I'm wearing a spaghetti strap black mini dress paired up with an ankle strap black heels. A classic look. To sum up my look, I'm wearing a golden hoop earrings paired with my Venetian gold necklace which was given to me by my mother. I never go anywhere without it. My middle length braids are just let down to add volume to my face.

"You are the luckiest person I know" Anita says standing up to twirl and dance to tems.

Anita is wearing an eye-catching v-neck dress which stops at her thigh. She does her hair the usual natural afro while her ears are adorned with dangling earrings.

"Are you jealous?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Nah.... I'm just saying because I a model doesn't get princess treatment as much as you" she say feigning hurt as she places her her hand on her chest.

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