Start from the beginning


Pathoftheswole: Cap.

Bananamilkshake: double Cap.

Yallneedhelp: guys, let big brothernoblade pretend to have a different reason.




I'm so excited!" a brown haired girl with braces and a sweater exclaimed.

"We're gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy," her twin brother started before being interrupted by his sister.

"and have the biggest stomach aches ever!"


The twins high-five before a superhero sitting behind them in a recliner comments on their enthusiasm. "Dude, I've never seen you guys so pumped."

"Well Soos, back at home, me and Dipper were kind of the kings of trick-or-treating." Mabel said, digging out her scrapbook, showing Soos pictures of them dressed as cats, salt and pepper, and zombies. "Twins in costumes, the people eat it up."

"Well, you dudes better be careful out there. It's a night of ghosts and goblins, not to mention..." Soos paused dramatically before killing the lights and pointing a flashlight at his face, "the Summerween Trickster."

"The summer-what-wha?" Mabel asked.

Dipper reached for the journal, but before he grabbed it Soos continued. "The Summerween Trickster goes door to door, so the legend goes, eating children who lack the Summerween spirit."

"Well, you don't have to worry about us. We've got spirit to go around." Dipper says as he throws a piece of candy into his mouth. Dipper began coughing and Soos hurriedly turns on the lights. "Ugh! What is this stuff? I've never even heard of these brands before. Sand-pop? Gummy chairs? Mr. adequate bar?"

"This is all cheap-o loser candy!" Mabel exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Quiet your discontent children, lest the Trickster overhear." warned Soos, looking dramatically off into the distance.

Dipper grabbed his bowl of candy and walked past Soos, "Your cape is stuck in your fly, Soos."

Soos leaned over to check if his cape was caught in his fly, and when he saw it was, Soos began looking dramatically off into the distance while saying, "Touche." before eating a gummie that was stuck on his belly.

"Goodbye loser candy!" Dipper said as he threw it out of the kitchen window. Unbeknownst to him, in the woods right outside the clearing in which the shack sat, something was breathing heavily and approaching the door.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Grunkle Stan yelled from further inside the house, "Trick-or-treators! Quick, give 'em the terrible candy!"

Dipper walked over to the door with half the bowl of candy remaining and opened it. "Happy Summerween!" he said as he looked at the person who had rung the doorbell. It was a tall, broad shouldered man with a brown cloak wrapped around him and covering his head. "Techno! What are you up to?"

"Silencing the voices."


"Don't worry about it."

"Ooo-kay. Would you like some candy, I guess?"

"Sure. Are you going trick-or-treating tonight?"

"Yeah! Me and Mabel are going as peanut butter and jelly. Would you like to join us?"

"That's... why I'm here."

Dipper gestured Techno inside, barely closing the door before the doorbell was rung again.

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