Asking out... Accidentally!

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*A day before the Party Eve*

(Ameri's office )

"I wanted to talk about Kirio senpai..." Izuku said with a severe expression on his face.

"Kirio?" Ameri raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "I don't think I am familiar with this name."

"He's a third-year student and also the president of our Battler," Izuku explained, reaching for his phone. "Let me show you." He displayed a group photo taken on the day they had all joined the Battler. "This is Kirio," he pointed to the turquoise-haired boy in the picture.

"I see," Ameri said, her gaze fixed upon the seemingly fragile boy. "So what about him?"

"I don't how to explain this but there's definitely something off about him," Izuku struggled while fidgeting with the paperweight on Ameri's desk. "I always get this unsettling feeling whenever I interact with him."

"Unsettling feeling?" Ameri asked, trying to understand what exactly he was trying to say.

"Yes, exactly," Izuku agreed. "I don't know how to explain it, but it feels like he's hiding something. Every time we talk, it's like he's wearing a mask. It reminds me of..." Izuku's voice trailed off as he recalled a haunting memory. 'At USJ, and then in the forest... each time I led them to us. Do you hear me, Midoriya? I am... a despicable villain.'

'If only I had noticed the signs back then...' Izuku thought, a tinge of regret seeping into his mind.

'Izuku, it's not your fault,' Nana reassured him. 'You couldn't have known.'

'But the signs were right in front of us, and yet we missed them,' Izuku countered. 'If only we had been a little more attentive, so many things could have been avoided.'

"Izuku..." Ameri's voice snapped Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just lost in thought," Izuku apologized, swiftly donning a friendly smile. Of course, it wasn't going to deceive Ameri, but she chose to let it slide for the moment.

"As I was saying," Izuku continued, "I think there is something sketchy going on with Kiro senpai. So can you please keep an eye on him, especially during tomorrow's event?"

Instead of answering, Ameri simply stared at him for a moment before speaking, "Before I respond, let me ask you this: why have you come to me instead of going to the teachers or to Sullivan -sama? Wouldn't that be a much safer option than coming to me?"

"I would have asked Grandpa, but he has been away from the house for the past few days. Besides, I can't simply walk into the staff room and accuse a senior without any proof, solely based on my hunch," Izuku explained. "Coming to you seemed like the best option, as you possess both the authority and maturity to handle this type of situation."

"Well, thanks for the compliment, but I don't think I will be of much help either," Ameri said. She then gestured towards the stacks of papers on her desk and continued, "As you can see, my hands are already full with the preparations for the Battler Party. I'm already short-staffed and working my existing members to the bone. We could have had more help if someone had decided to join the Student Council back then," she added, giving Izuku a pointed look.

"Yeah, right..." Izuku replied with a strained smile.

"Anyway, regarding your request, I'll see what I can do," she said. "I'll ask my members to keep an eye on him as much as possible. I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do right now."

"No, no, it's totally fine," Izuku waved his hand. "Thank you for listening to this silly request of mine. I'm sure it's nothing, but it's better to be alert than sorry, right?"

A Hero in a Demon school!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora