Chapter Twenty-five

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Austin sighs, leaning forward. "I can't imagine what you're going through, but you're beautiful, inside and out and don't let anyone tell you different," he says, smiling.

"You're so sweet," I say, blushing again. "Why has it taken us this long to do this?"

Austin raises an eyebrow. "Do what? Eat pizza?"

I roll my eyes. "No, you dork. I mean go on a date, be-you know-together. We've been friends for a long time."

He shrugs his shoulder. "I guess it just took us some time to see each other. To be honest though, I kind of always had a crush on you." 

I grin, my eyes widening. "No way! I don't believe that, you would have said something sooner." 

He laughs. "You have seven brothers who would rip me to shreds, dating you is no easy task, but it is worth it."

The waitress comes back, our drinks in hand. "Are you ready to order?" 

Austin and I order a large pepperoni and cheese pizza and garlic bread.

"Just the thought of pizza is making me drool," I say, laughing, beginning to feel a bit more comfortable. 

Austin smirks. "The sight of you makes me drool," he says, winking. 

I burst into laughter, swatting his hand. "Be quiet," I say, "we're in public!"

We can't contain our laughter, and the more we look at each other, the more we laugh. 

By the time we finish eating and arrive back at my house, its almost eight o'clock. Austin pulls into the driveway, helping me out and inside the house. 

My mom greets us, smiling. "How was your night out?"

I have a feeling that she knew Austin was taking me out on a date. I smile. "Great, we had a lot of fun."

She hugs me. "I'm glad to hear," she says, letting go and stands back.

I look up at Austin. "Austin is going to help me with chemistry," I say.

My mom nods. "Okay. If you guys want to go to your room for more privacy, you can go up to your room. Austin can carry you up."

Austin lifts me into his arms and carries me up the stairs to my room. My mom follows us up, carrying my back pack and school books. 

"Have fun studying," she says, smiling. 

Austin sets me down on my bed and he lays down beside me.

"So, what have you been doing these last few days?" I ask Austin, cuddling up him as we both lay back into my pillows. 

"Waiting for you to show up at school. It was quite boring, you know. Ms. Kinney is not a very nice lady if you piss her off. And I think I actually may need your assistance in English," he says, laughing. Then he stops.

"But mostly I was worried sick about you," Austin says, his hot breath blows on my face as he leans down to my neck. He glances down into my eyes. "You don't know how worried I was," He mutters, pecking me on the temple.

"Aw. I didn't know you thought about me so much," I tease, and focus on the movie. My stomach has this weird feeling inside, and I think it's because Austin is here beside me.

"Who else am I supposed to think of? You're my girl," Austin says casually, making my insides melt.

I smile. "And you, are my boy," I say, kissing his neck. He lets out a soft laugh. For a second we kiss until Austin gently pushes me away. I give him a questioning look, wondering why he is turning down my affection.

"You have like seven brothers and a Dad who would rip me apart and feed me to your dog if they caught us making out in your room. Then who would love you like I do?"

I burst into laughter. "First, we don't have a dog, and second," I stop for a minute, thinking things through. "Wait, did you say love?" I ask, my heart beating fast. Austin turns a bright red and clears his throat.

"Yeah, I did. What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to say...I like the sound of that," I say, grinning. I stare Austin in the eyes.

 He leans down into my face, our noses touching.

"Good," Austin mumbles, his lips closing in on mine. "I love you so much it hurts Emma."

"Oh my God!" There is a screech at my bedroom door, and Austin and I jump apart. Joey stands at my door, his eyes wide.

"Joey, be quiet. Please don't say anything!" I plead but its too late.

"Dad!" Joey screams. Austin and I glance at each other, hoping Austin doesn't end up as our non-existent dogs meal.

How did you like that? Emma's brothers are always interrupting and ruining the mood, but that's what makes it seem realistic. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! 

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