"Awhh how cute!" Daki exclaimed tugging Gyutaros shirt to look at me and Kaigaku. She was such a sweet heart how could I hate her..

I giggle a bit. "Why don't we do something together it can be like a double da-" I paused when I remembered Gyutaro. Right I forgot he's here. "Uhm, let's hang out!"

"Sure where should we go?" Zenitsu asked delightfully yet I let Kaigaku do that talking, I was focused on Gyutaro he looked down. Did I hurt his feelings by the 'double date' thing, or maybe he's upset because he does like someone and they don't like him back... What if..he likes on of us? Well maybe I have some ideas...

Daki's out, that's his sister...Hmm Not sure about Zenitsu...They hang out a lot.. I don't hang out enough with him for that. Kaigaku? Hmm I don't think that's right. Suddenly I felt Kaigaku shake my hand, he must be trying to get me back into the zone.

"So uhm Nezuko does that sounds good?" Kaigaku asked he sounded anxious using his free hand to move his black hair from his eyes. I nodded nervously.

What did I just agree to. I started to feel apprehensive, I don't think it was because I had no idea where I was going. I started to look around. I was close to Kaigaku still holding his hand I felt safe. So what made me feel so anxious? I looked over to notice Zenitsu staring I don't think he noticed I had saw him but he eventually looked away they bothering feeling left as well. Odd.

My blood boiled looking at Daki, I hated this feeling so much, I hate to even think of the word. Jealously. I hate it. I looked at Kaigaku I felt emotion less staring at him but the the feeling of, Jealously. Went away as my mind wandered off. Gyutaros random conversation took my mind away bringing me joy.

"Gyutaro.." I paused. Should I ask him. I'm going to.. I looked at him, he stopped and looked to me our eyes locked. "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

"What!" Gyutaro said nervousness filled his eyes he looked to his left as his face began to fade red, So he does. He seemed to have gotten nervous so is the person he likes here. I looked into his yees trying to see if he was looking at anyone. He had been looking at his sister but the way she looked back I assumed she knew who he liked. Wait why am I so curious we barely talk. I sighed I've changed a lot..

I gave him a smile and giggled... I think I know who it is.

Gyutaros POV(ik it's different)


I get a bad feeling that Nezuko knows who I like which definitely isn't good for me at all. Maybe I should sleep it off.

I laid in bed but I couldn't sleep I felt anxious and I needed to talk to someone, I mean Daki's probably asleep and I can't go to Nezuko, that's not the best. Ugh almost everyone is going to be asleep. I sigh. I check my phone to see who's active.

Bing. Snapchat? That means someones active. I clicked on it's a post from Tengen so he's awake right now I should talk to him.

Gyutaro77: hey Tengen I just need to talk to someone:/

LordTengen: Excuse me what did I say about how to address me.

Gyutaro77:...Lord Tengen... Yeah I'm going to talk to someone else.

LordTengen: Well that wasn't very Flamboyant.

Yeah I knew I should've talked to someone else let's see who else I can talk to. Bing. another one? It was from Nezuko.

NezyWezy: Soooo...You have a crush huh?

Gyutaro77: ....

NezyWezy: And I know who it is...or I think I do..

Gyutaro77: oh..

NezyWezy: You like Zenitsu don't cha?

Gyutaro77: Huh? No I like Kaigaku

NezyWezy: HAH KNEW IT!

Gyutaro77: Shit.. well he is your boyfriend what are you gonna do...

NezyWezy: ... Nothing I'm not gonna do anything I can't control who you like...

Gyutaro77: oh well maybe we can still be friends!

NezyWezy: mhm now go to bed.

I turned off my phone my face felt warm I know it was red I wasn't only embarrassed she brought him into my head I couldn't help it when I thought of him my heart skipped a beat. But he's not mine

(I only chose this ship cuz Gyutaro needs one don't judge pls).

I laid back, mg heart fluttered thinking about him, yet I sigh. Not yours... I looked to my left. Everyone else can have love why can't I? I sighed and closed my eyes. I should rest. I need rest..


I lift my head and yawn. I reach my arm for the snooze button on my alarm. I stood from my bed and got dressed and brushed my hair. I walked hear a noise from my phone, I pick it up holding it gently as face recognition goes through.

Kaigaku: good morning Gyutaro!!

My heart fluttered, how sweet but I really should get over this! He's not yours! Ugh, I threw my phone aside and sat on the floor in shame.

Yes I want this book to last long so I'm stalling buy making other things go on, Dw it'll get back on schedule soon

Also I luv ya<333 (sorry for late chapter I thought I clicked publish<333)

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