crescent city

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Goto left you and you made your way to Shinobu's office. Awhile ago you had been sitting there with Yumi for about an hour now. She wasn't even talking to you she was busy working on things. She wasn't pleased to see you were doing fine she expected you to be knocked out by now.

Yumi could sense things were off. Your emotions were going haywire and Shinobu's were almost completely calm. Like you weren't in the room.

You felt so out of place and disgusted. You did like Shinobu, but now she just made you uncomfortable.

You were very tired from last night and wanted to sleep but thats what Shinobu wanted you to do too. She wanted you to sleep so she could do god knows what with you. At one point maybe she was a safe person to you but now she was just outright dangerous. You didn't want to be around her any longer. You felt like you were going to start pulling your hair out if you stayed in here.

The door was pushed open a little to hard for your liking. But you were surprised to see Muichiro, could he help..?

His eyes immediately land on your and face seems to untense.

"You," He said and pointed his finger at you. "Come with me I need your help." You wanted to go so bad but you could feel Shinobu's harsh glare on your back. You turned to look at her and her whole face basically said 'do not go'.

"I'm sorry I can't..." You looked down.

"Why not?" He tilted his head.

"Shes busy helping me, now please leave." Shinobu said with a smile, as usual.

"Shes just sitting on the floor, besides its obvious she doesn't want to be around you. Now, I will be taking her."

One of the reasons Shinobu wished she was stronger was so that she slap him. He was just an annoying kid, it strongly pissed her off that he was stronger then her. She gritted her teeth but still seemed to smile.

"She wants to stay with me, right (y/n)-chan..?" You looked back at her and her anger was evident.

"No she doesn't," He walked towards you and basically made you stand up. "She coming with me now." And he left the room with you and one hand and Yumi tucked under your arm. You were shocked that he just did the especially after a long time of not seeing eachother. He probably didn't even remember your name, but anyone could see you were stressed and uncomfortable in that room.


"Muichiro-san... Why did you do that..?" You asked as he lead you to one of the many medical rooms.

"You were uncomfortable around her." He explained. "Can you tell me your name again? I remember you, just not your name."

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), just call me (y/n) though." He let go of your arm and sat on the counter. You set Yumi down and she was sniffing Muichiro's leg. Yumi thinks he safe.

"Your very pretty..."

You gave a sad smile and patted his head.

"You said you needed help right?" You reminded.

"Oh, yes I do." He pulled up his sleeve which revealed and huge gash across his forearm. You nodded and set out for the stuff you needed. It was almost exactly like the first time the two of you met. It was a good memory, somthing you would hold dear to you for the rest of your life.

After cleaning and stitching the wound up you began to wrap it up.

"You said you liked my name... Do you still like it?" He asked just as you finished wrapping the bandages.

"Yes I still like your name, I think it fits you very well." It was almost exactly like the first time. You sighed and pat his shoulder. "Thank you for getting me out of there..."

"I think most people would have you looked horrible." You giggled a little.

"So what is it? Am I pretty or horrible looking?" You teased.

His eyes narrow at your words. He realized you were teasing him, him crossed his arms a let out a little huff.

"Your teasing, stop that."

Yumi was just laying on the floor and watching the interaction.

(I sometimes forget she's there)

You laughed and shook your head. But stopped when you realized after this you would have to go back to Shinobu. You really didn't want to...

"Whats the matter?" He asked tilting his head to the side once again.

"I don't want to see Shinobu anymore today... But I don't want to be rude this is her home." Not exactly the truth but it works. You were more scared to find out what happened after you came back.

"Why don't you leave then?"

"I don't think I can... Its hard to sneak away from her, and I'm afraid I'll get lost on the way back home. Well not really I'm more scared of demons then anything."

He looked at you oddly and opened his mouth to speak, but closed it to rethink his words.

"Are you not a demon slayer?"

"I wish... Then I wouldn't have to be afraid, but no I'm not I run a wisteria house two towns over."

"Hm..." He was thinking. "If your really that uncomfortable here I'll escoret you home. Tomorrow after dark so Shinobu won't know you left."

Could you do one more day here..? It was certainly better then staying the whole week you supposed. But that does mean you  might have to cancel dinner plans with Himejima-san... But you didn't want to risk being poisoned again.

"Okay then that works for me.."

"Good, then I'll come get you tomorrow just after the sun sets." He said as he hopped off the counter and made his way to the door.

You stood there in silence contemplating what to do now. Yumi paws at your legs and gave you a sweet look.

"Lets go outside before confronting her okay." You said as you picked up the small dog and began walking towards an exit.

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