Chapter 12 - Are We In America

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After Joe, Dylan, and Ruby had passed their weapons training and the team was back at the HQ, they didn't have any calls for a while. Until 10 AM rolled around. At around 10 o'clock, the alarms went off again, and the call was read out.
"School shooting consisting of 3 shooters in progress at Canyon View School"
"Oh shit. You never want to hear that, " Arthur said. "All units in uniform and get to the chopper," Arthur yelled.
The team quickly raced to the Alpha Echo Helicopter and took off to the school.

They got there in 2 minutes and quickly scanned the building in Helicopter for the shooters. All three of them were together in a classroom, and they were ready to kill the kids.
"Right, let's get in position, then we bust through the windows," said Arthur.

The helicopter got in position, and the team got ready to bust in the window.
"On three," said Arthur, "three, two, one. Go, Go Go. "
They jumped from the helicopter and broke through the window. They all raised their guns and pointed them at the shooters.

"Alpha Echo Team. Show us your hands now!" Yelled Arthur
The shooters did as they were told and showed their hands whilst dropping their guns.
"Evan, grab the guns," said Arthur
Evan grabbed the guns and got back into position.
"Get down on your stomach with your hands on your head and your fingers interlaced," said Arthur
The shooters did as they were ordered and got down on the ground.

"Evan, go and cuff one. Jas you're on the other, and Sam, you're cuffing the 3rd, " said Arthur
"On it," said Evan
"Shall do," said Jas
"Got it," said Sam

The criminals were then quickly cuffed and searched.
"Alpha Echo 1 to Alpha Echo Enterprise. 4 to beam up and prepare 3 cells at maximum security," said Arthur
"On it. Cells shall be ready for your arrival, " said the transporter operator.

The shooters were then taken aboard the Alpha Echo Enterprise and put into their cells with maximum security.

Arthur then beamed down to the HQ, and as the Alpha Echo Helicopter arrived and landed. The team then returned to what they were doing before the shooting.

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