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Book Title: Mine

Author: LaceeStarliper

Status: Ongoing (Last updated January 06, 2022)

Tags For The Book: #daddy, #daddygirl, #daddysgirl, #dom, #dominant, #dominate, #hisprincess, #histodominate, #innocent, #kinky, #love, #lust, #mine, #obsessed, #obsessive, #possessive, #princess, #shy, #spanking, #sub, #submissive

Summary (Book Description) : Stella went to a beach party with friends, not knowing what kind of party it was or who she would meet. Cole was a mafia king and dominant man with a daddy kink. He was looking for a good time when he found Stella. The beautiful Stella has no idea what is about to hit her, but in the end, Stella may just like Cole's dominant side. Stella is still fragile and has to be handled with care, so can the mafia king handle her. Can the two live together, or will they destroy each other?

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