𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 - 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬

Start from the beginning

    You made your way to the streets of bonesburough and decided on a brunch place, since you were craving pancakes; or the Demon realm variation of them. (lmao *eats flapjack*)

    After having decided on a small cafe, you picked a table next to a window and sat down.

    Not too long after doing so, a polite waitress by the name of Florene took your order. (My oc! I'll put what she looks like at the end <33) Being completely honest, you figured that the cafe would have about the same service as those Karen restaurants back in the Human realm.

    After receiving you food and absolutely chugging your chocolate milk, (lactose intolerant people don't exist <3) you began to devour your pancakes, in which you had doused in syrup.

    Only but a mere five bites later, you made direct eye contact with a group of scouts. To say you almost choked on your own heart jumping into your throat was an understatement. You kept your eye contact with the scout as they murmured to their fellows. The minions nodded and you saw the scout go on their scroll.

    You felt your eyebrows furrow in confusion at this exchange. Shouldn't they be after you already? Maybe they didn't notice you and just found your gaze suspicious? Whatever it was, you weren't sure if you wanted to stick around to find out. You slammed a small pouch of snails you had pickpocketed from someone of the table and scrambled out the glass double doors, thus beginning another chase.

    As soon as you reached the garden of the quaint cafe, you climbed a ladder that just so conveniently happened to be there and hopped onto the roof. You knew that trying to weave threw the busy streets of Bonesburough would be useless if you wanted to make a quick escape.

    You watched the scouts burst through the doors and search for your figure. It was quite amusing honestly. Well it was until you felt someone's heeled boots land behind you.

    "Hello again human! It appears that fate has aligned to where we would meet again. To what do I owe the pleasure this time?" He spoke poetically but confidently. He seemed calm enough to even lean on his staff, but his sweating palms told the truth.

    "Quit it with the confident act, Guardia dorado, it's obvious that you're quaking in your boots. And frankly, I'm not sure what I even did this time! I was just sitting there, eating my fuckin' pancakes when the stupid scouts just started gossiping about me like they were school girls!" You ranted, finishing with a heavy sigh. You had completely forgotten that you were genuinely obsessed with this man.

    Hunter looked a bit taken aback, not only had you ranted out all of your frustrations to him, you also saw past his act. He felt himself deflate against his staff, as he wouldn't get to have fake arguments today with you.

    Upon processing his sadness, you mentally imploded. The Hunter wittbane-noceda-deamonne-whispers-clawthorne-park, was upset that he didn't get to spend time with you, or so you theorized.

    Nervously, you asked, "If- If it's alright with you, maybe we could— like, uh, take a walk as teenagers? Just y/n and H- whatever your name is under all of your masks?" You looked off to the side and fiddled with your fingers, something you did often when anxious.

    Under the mask, Hunters face lit up. He was ecstatic. Was he finally going to make a friend outside of the coven? Well, the coven members didn't really like him, per say, but at least they were someone to converse with.

    "Yeah!" Hunter said enthusiastically with a voice crack, before clearing his throat and saying, "I guess I have time for you. I'll call off the scouts."

    You audibly sighed in relief when he went to collect his minions. He had agreed to hang out with you! And it wasn't as awkward as it felt!

    Soon after the scouts had been sent back to the castle, you began to lead the Golden Guard to your destination.

    The two of you chatted about anything that came to that unpredictable mind of yours. At first, it was a mostly one sided conversation, but soon enough, Hunter cracked out of his shell.

    You had reached the spot he had followed you to five days ago, the serene pond surrounded by lush forest. You sat down by the water and dipped your hand in, something that always managed to calm you. Hunter plopped down beside you and pressed his body weight against yours, relaxing his aching muscles from his constant missions.

    The walk had taken about half an hour, and you both felt like you really had started to know each other and begin a genuine friendship. You told him about the Human realm and some of your interests, and he told you about the Demon realm and studying wild magic, which led to him telling you about Belos's curse. Although you already knew most of what he was saying, you just enjoyed listening to him talk while enjoying the scenery.

    Back at the pond, Hunter turned to face you. You faced him as well and quirked a brow. "What's on your mind, Gold star?"

    Hunter inhaled sharply and removed his mask and hood, unveiling his appearance. "My name is Hunter." He smiled nervously but softly.

    Yes, you already knew what he looked like. Yes, you knew that he was adorable. But god dammit, he was practically perfect in person.

    You felt yourself heat up before saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hunter, my name is y/n." You took his hand and shook it.

    The both of you ended up falling asleep in the clearing, which lead to Hunter feeling bad for leaving you there but not knowing where to take you and knowing he had to go. Go back to being the Golden Guard, and go back to stone.

                  END OF FLASHBACKS

    That's how you ended up here, enjoying breakfast with Hunter, when you were suddenly spotted by scouts. You had been yanked into a corridor. "Ouch! Shit! Hunter back up!" You said through clenched teeth, as the man's heel had landed on your toe.

    "Sorry! Maybe it wasn't a great idea to try and be a teenager for once it my titan-damned life." Hunter cursed under his breath.

    "How about we leave the planning to me next time, Huntress?"

    "Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat, n/n"

    "Sure, Sally face."

    "Who even is that?"

Authors note

Holy crab! 800 reads and 1687 words! I'm so sorry for my absence, but I was brewing up this fun little chapter! By the way, would y'all prefer longer, less frequent chapters, or much shorter, more frequent chapters? Let me know along with any ideas you have for this book! The song mentioned in the title happened to remind me of the flashbacks and I didn't have a title yet, so I just used that!

Here's Florene btw! I use her as a self insert sometimes 🤷‍♀️

Here's Florene btw! I use her as a self insert sometimes 🤷‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 ➪ 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now