53. Bad Things to Such Good People.

Start from the beginning

"I don't need ya to. I told Glenn I'd find Maggie. You keep Judith safe," Rosie said before running off towards the fields. She could hear the other kids yelling for her to stop, but she didn't- not even when her lungs burned so bad that it sent her into another fit of coughs. "Maggie? Maggie?" Rosie kept rasping out, her eyes scanning her surroundings for the brown-haired woman.

She froze when she looked out through one of the fences, seeing a man in a black coat standing tall in the center of many other people, all armed. The Governor was there. It was really him. Standing there. Alive. He had an army. He had a tank. And he had Michonne's sword in his hand as he stood above Hershel, who was kneeling in the grass. In one silent second, the Governor lifted the sword and slashed it down into Hershel's neck.

"No!" Rosie screamed, grasping onto the fence. Hershel's head tipped to the side and blood soaked his pale, yellow shirt. One more second went by before the field that was once for farming turned into a battlefield once again. Shots fired from both sides, Rick shooting his weapon first as he screamed out in agony. Explosions started sounding all around her, the tank firing into the prison as the Governor's army shot bullets at her family.

Everything was so loud that Rosie couldn't even think. She couldn't even imagine what Beth and Maggie were feeling in that moment. Hershel was a good man and an even better father. He was smart and he was kind. And now he was dead.

He had helped Rosie back on the farm. He helped Sophia as best he could. He let them stay. He helped them all when they needed it during the months they spent on the road. He helped them all when they got sick. He helped. He always helped them, despite what it might've risked for himself. And now he was dead. In one of the worst ways possible, he had died. He didn't deserve it. In no way did he deserve it.

"Rosie!" Maggie said, grabbing onto the girl's shoulders to grab her attention. Tears stained Maggie's face and her voice was weak and scratchy. "You need to get to the bus. Now," she sobbed out.

Snapping back into reality, Rosie looked at Maggie with wide, teary eyes. "Glenn," she said, pointing back to cell block A.

"I'll find him. You go to the bus now," Maggie said sternly. Rosie nodded and Maggie ran off towards the cell block. Rosie spun around in a circle, her eyes searching for Daryl, but she couldn't find him. She didn't want to leave without him. What if she made it out of there, onto that bus, and Daryl didn't? Rosie didn't think she'd survive a week without Daryl, let alone the rest of her life.

A bullet fired in her direction, hitting the wall next to her. Instantly, Rosie ducked down close to the ground and crawled behind a filing cabinet. Shots kept firing and firing, puncturing the metal filing cabinet, and Rosie had no weapon to fight back with, aside from her knife. However, a knife wouldn't do much good against an army with AK-47s and tanks. So, she stayed crouched down, shielding herself from all the bullets that we're flying towards her. She waited there for a few minutes until the shots seemed to die down a little.

"Daryl! Rick! Where are you?!" Rosie called out once everything began to quiet down again. She stood up from behind the filing cabinet, looking around. When she turned around to look back into the field again, a walker grabbed onto her, pushing her back against the fence. Using one arm, Rosie pushed against the walkers chest, keeping it as far away from her as she couldn't manage. The walker kept snapping its teeth, so close to tearing into her. As quickly as she could, Rosie switched her velociraptor to her left hand and pulled her knife from its sheath with her right hand before sticking it into the walkers brain and setting herself free. The walker fell to the ground and Rosie hurried away from it, her eyes still searching for Daryl or Rick or Glenn or Maggie or Carl- anyone.

The field was full of walkers. The fences were down and the smoke and sound was pulling more and more walkers from all of the surrounding areas. They just kept coming from the woods. Dodging as many of them as she could, Rosie managed to run towards where the bus was supposed to be. The problem was, though, that the bus was gone.

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