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All Jimmy knew about Sea, with whom they had been working for a little less than a year, was that Sea was a hardworking and responsible person. He deals with numbers and all his reports have always been impeccable. He's punctual enough–at least Jimmy doesn't remember Sea being late. He could arrive one minute before the start of the working day, and it was still considered that he arrived on time. Sea was non-confrontational until someone tried to teach him how to do his job properly. That's when Sea stopped being Peter Rabbit and became the Hulk. Yesterday, his "Hulk mode" became active in the office of the school principal. Jimmy smiled to himself and then shook his head. He didn't know much about Sea.

In fact, Jimmy had barely noticed Sea until yesterday. Yes, they worked together, but as soon as the working day came to an end, Jimmy forgot about his work and its employees until the next morning, because when he returned home he had to listen to his sister's complaints or teach his son again. He couldn't afford to worry about work at home either. Therefore, the fact that he was now sitting in a cafe opposite the office building where all the employees were having lunch, and staring at Sea sitting in the distance with a quiet guy snacking on mochi, caused Jimmy a barrage of questions. This guy with bleached hair with whom they had been working for almost a year interested him.

Jimmy was propping his chin up, not taking his eyes off Sea's table, and picking at his salad with a fork when he heard someone on the left ask: "Are you going to keep hurting this salad or are you going to let it finally end up painlessly in your stomach in eternal darkness?"

Jimmy reluctantly turns his gaze to Force, a man from the sales department whom Jimmy has known for a long time. Force did not have a permanent team for lunch, he preferred to change his circle of people every day, from which he was aware of all the gossip that was going around the office. Force smiles dazzlingly at Jimmy and squints his eyes in which devils were dancing. A real fox.

Jimmy sticks his fork into the salad with a crunch and puts the food in his mouth. As Force said, " in eternal darkness."

"Satisfied?" he asks, and Force nods. Jimmy looks back at Sea's table.

Force followed Jimmy's gaze and looked curiously at the table. He points his fork at Sea. "Does Sea owe you money or what?"

Jimmy is more willing to look back at Force. "Ai'Force, do you know Sea?"

Force snorts, hearing his question. "I know everyone, unlike you. It's you who don't want to communicate with anyone."

"What do you know about him?" Although Jimmy looks normal, he notices a note of impatience in his voice. Force seems to have noticed this, too, because he is stalling, concentrating on cutting the meat on his plate into small pieces. Jimmy's waiting. There's no way he's going to talk before Force.

A few minutes pass. Jimmy watches as the pieces of meat slowly disappear from Force's plate, but Force himself is silent, as if he did not hear the question. Jimmy turns away from him, sticks his fork into the salad and hears: "He is kind, sympathetic, in good standing with colleagues." Jimmy noisily drops his fork on his plate and listens attentively to Force, turning his head sharply to him. Jimmy's quick reaction to what he said and how abruptly he threw out the cutlery amuses Force very much. He had never seen Jimmy interested in anyone. What did this guy do? Does he really owe Jimmy money?

"Anything else besides that?" asks Jimmy. What Force said was well known to himself.

"Well, maybe I know something else," Force says carefully, watching Jimmy's reaction, "but I might have forgotten it. You know, I know a lot of people in the office. If you want, I can ask Book about Sea."

"Who's Book?" asks Jimmy. He didn't want anyone else to know that he was secretly asking people about Sea. It was enough for him that Force now knew about it. Oh, damn it, Force! Jimmy only now realizes how much he screwed up, but it was too late.

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