Mr. Kim- Boys, you guys are fine with it, right? He ask but his gaze on them signaling 'I dare you to say no'.

All- N- yes dad. They said.

They wanted to disagree but stop in a midway when Mr. Kim glare at them. Mr. Kim's expression turn to normal once again and turn to look at me.

Mr. Kim- So it's decided. Y/n, tomorrow you and your mom will moved here. And you'll be going to sch/uni with bts. He inform.

Y/n- Why tomorrow? And who is bts? I ask while drinking some water.

Mr. Kim- So that you guys can spend some time together and get to know each other. And they are bts. He explain and signaling Kim siblings when he said bts.

Y/n- Okay, got it. I said while nodding my head.

Then suddenly, my phone vibrate. I pulled out and saw a message from my secretary. I open and read. It was an emergency message. I put it in my bag once again and look up. By then I saw Mr. Kim and mom was looking at me.

Y/n- I'm fine with anything but there is something that you need to know. Mom, can you tell them? I need to go to company. I said.

Mom- Sure, dear. Be careful. She said while smiling and kiss my forehead.

I nodded and get up. Then I immediately dash out of the mansion and off to company. When I arrived, I get inside the building and went to my cabin straight away. Once I'm in my cabin. I take my spare blazer that I had there, put on some make up, take any files that will be needed and went to meeting room. It's not a meeting with my worker. I just need to meet one of my client that just came from across the country.


Meanwhile at Kim mansion........


Mr. Kim- Honey, what is she talking about? Knowing about what? He asked curiously.

Mrs. Choi- Oh, about that. Let's go to living room. I'll tell you there. She said while getting up.

Mr. Kim just get up and follow her silently while Kim siblings were rolling their eyes in annoyance. They also gets up and went to living room. They sat down on the other couch meanwhile the couples were sitting next to each other. Once they settle in, Mrs. Choi start talking.

Mrs. Choi- Since you ask us to moved in here, all of you need to know a little bit about y/n. So that we can avoid getting on her bad side. She inform while looking at Mr. Kim then bts.

Mr. Kim was looking kind of curious while bts just stay emotionless since they thought this kind of information won't be that necessary and it won't stop any of them from doing anything to y/n.

Mrs. Choi- Okay, firstly, she has anger issue. She may look calm like she was in dining room earlier but believe me, when I said her bad side weren't something you would like to see. Second, don't bother her when it comes to work or study. She won't let you go if you did. Third, NEVER, EVER, try to ordering her around. She DOESN'T like it. And that's all. You will get to know more about her soon enough. She explain or more like warning them.

Mr. Kim face's turn to confuse while bts were looking at each other with a bored face and turn to Mr. Kim when he start to talk.

Mr. Kim- Is there any certain things that she likes or hate. He ask, getting interested to know more.

Mrs. Choi- For some basic things, she likes chocolate, some spicy foods, singing, dancing and sports. And things that she doesn't likes, being lied to, unprofessional, misbehave. She is indeed looks mature but she can be childish for sometimes. If you're lucky enough, then you'll get to see that side of y/n. She explain in detail.

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