Crush Six: Femi pt 2

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Femi's are proud

Femi's are annoying

Femi's are stubborn

Femi's are toxic

Femi's are liars

Femi's are narcissistic

Femi's hate Beyoncé because she intimidates their sense of masculinity.

Femi's think everyone's beneath them but low-key try to act like the congressmen

Femi's are insecure

Femi's have tempers

Femi's like food a little too much

Femi's are players

Femi's like girls a little too much

Femi's are addicted to Twitter

Femi's like working out

Femi's tell themselves they'll go on Soda break only when they feel motivated and then they slide back to "unhealthy mode" and expect no one to come at them for their temporary hypocrisy.

Femi's are toxic

Oh I said that already, but damn! They only like people they can either control or argue with, anyone else is nonexistent.

Femi's know you like them and they feed on that knowledge until you realize and yet they still scrap for whatever they can.

Femi's like Kanye West.

Femi's have one health condition or the other.

Femi's like to try new things only for two minutes.

Femi's like to take and they act like they are selfless but deep down, there's selfishness rooted in their veins, they'd rather take than give.

Femi's like short girls.

Femi's love their mum but are aggressive to them.

Femi's masturbate too much.

You have a conversation with Femi's and you might have made it obvious that you like them and they spread it around to everyone in the hostel that you're a cheap simp and everyone begins to laugh at you; and then you confront Femi's and they make you feel like a fool for even suggesting that and guess what? You believe them.

Guess what again? You also become friends with them and then you realize that maybe their flawed and human and shit, but maybe they're also overhyped and maybe you deserve better, so you just get over your crush and feelings for them and see them as another specie of crazy you can deal with.

Femi's smile like everything is alright but low-key their losing their minds.

Femi's are proud.

Oh yeah! That's the first thing I said.

How do I know these 78% accurate things about Femi's? Well you can say that I've taken time to stalk, think, study and access them well enough and if you're going to be honest with yourselves (we'll except you're a Femi or you're dating one), you'll know I'm not capping.

Let's move the the good part shall we?

Femi's can be caring; one time I was so sick and he knew I was so sick so he stayed with me and played Shawn Mendes and gave me cold water, a simple act, but it was nice regardless.

Femi's are protective; I'm trying to remember that one time when he low key stood up for me when I was about about to be dragged in the hostel.

Femi's never gossip. It's just not their thing, plus they're too busy talking and thinking about themselves to gossip about anyone else.

Femi's are neat. You know any Femi who's rusty and dirty?

Femi's have good taste in music.

Femi's are the definition of Nigerian men at its best, they're just...a man's man, It's rare to see a queer Femi.

Femi's are positive minded. There's just no bad vibe with them.

Femi's are smart working.

Femi's have good tastes in movies and they always have the best of them in their laptops.

Femi's smell nice.

Femi's don't judge.

Femi's aren't funny, but they have a nice sense of humor.

Femi's can cook.

Femi's like Trads and they look good in them, in fact men that look clean and nice in Two pieces Trads all look like a "Femi".


I decided to dedicate this chapter to all the Femi's all over the world! So, if you know a Femi, hate a Femi, love one, fxck one, have one as a friend of want to fxck one, then share this with them! Simple! They'll catch the hint! You see! My art and craziness be saving lives!

Tell me what you really make of this chapter.

Call me a genius here!

Tell me a secret here! Make it coded; I love codes.

Follow me on IG (heycinmi)
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