8 | Happy Birthday Jacky!

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It's been a week since me and my dad made up. He's still not the biggest fan of Jack but it's not like he's the one seeing him, I am. Today is Sunday May 14th. Two important things are today: Mother's Day and it's Jack's birthday. It might be my birthday in two weeks but today is Jack's day.

Because it's only 7am so, I'm going to get ready to get presents for both of them. I get into my car and start driving to Target. I have no idea what to get Jack. What do you get for someone who's not your boyfriend but you've been seeing each other for almost two months?? I guess I'll have to see what they have.


When I pull into my driveway, its 8:30. I immediately put everything into my room and start making breakfast for the family. It's a tradition, on Father's day and dad's birthday, my mom makes breakfast, on Mother's day and mom's birthday, I make breakfast and on my birthday, dad makes breakfast.

I make eggs, bacon and, pancakes. When I've finished, I head up to my parents room, knock and wait for an answer to come in. "Good morning, mom. Happy Mother's day!" I say walking in. "Thank you sweetie, is your brother up?" She asks me. "I'm not sure. Do you want me to wake him up?" I ask. "Yes please."

"AUSTINNNNN!!" I yell entering his room. "What?" He asks yawning. "It's Mother's day, go tell mom Happy Mother's day okay?" "Alright," he responds walking out of his room. Before I join them, I go into my room and collect the flowers, teddy and chocolate I got mom.


After mom's eaten her breakfast I tell her, "It's Jack's birthday. Do you mind if I go out to see him?" "Of course not honey! Actually, do you want to invite him to dinner tonight?" She asks. "Really?" I ask. Mom gives me an approving smile. "Well then yes, thanks mom." I say before walking out of her room and turning into mine. I grab everything I got Jack before running downstairs and out the door.


"Hey," Jack says as I pull into his apartment building. "I told you that you don't have to wait out here for me." "I know, but I need my girl to stay safe," he says with a smile. "Your girl?" I ask him. "Yes my girl," he replies with a smirk, "now, lets get you inside."

Jack practically drags me out the car and kisses me straight away. I follow him inside after I pull away. In the elevator, I stand with Jacks arm around my shoulder.

When we're inside, I notice it's a lot more empty. "What happened here? It seems so empty," I ask him. "Ty's getting traded," Jack responds. "Oh I'm sorry, I know you guys were close." "It's okay because, my brother, Luke, got drafted by the devils last year and he's moving in." Jack respons excitedly. "Oh that's great!" I tell him. I pull him into a kiss and say, "Happy birthday Jacky!" "Thanks, Zo." He says smiling. "Can we open presents now?" He asks me. "Of course we can," I say handing him the bag.

"Oh wow," he says taking the matching bracelets I got us, "thank you." "You're so welcome. Actually, there's something I haven't told you," I tell him. He looks at me expectedly. "My mom invited you for a birthday and mothers day dinner. Do you want to come?" "Of course!" He tells me. "But, I have to leave at 8. I'm picking up Luke from the airport" "Okay, can I come with you?" "Sure," he say's pulling me into his arms.


It's now 5pm, Jack and I have spent the whole day watching shows in each other's arms curled up in each other's arms. "I think we need to get ready now," I tell Jack standing up. "Ugh," he says standing with me. "Come on you big baby," I say, "Do you mind if I shower?" "Not at all, you can use the en suite and I'll use the main one," he says. "Are you sure?" I ask him. "Of course pretty girl, only the best for you." He tells me. "Thank you Jack."

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