“Right.” I am getting scared but like my dad always told me, stay strong.

“Look, leave us alone.” I am going in front of Selena to protect her, even if she protests. “I don’t have anything to do with Lila.”

“Alright, we will let you go,” Alya spoke while others protested, making me suspect that something is wrong.

“If you call Marinette and ask her where she is now.”

I now notice Ivan blocking the exit. I prayed to someone to see this and call the cops.


“Well, then we can know where to find her and give her a payback for what she did.” Lila this time used her true voice.

Did they not understand what I just said to them?

“Or else.” Ivan cracked his knuckles. My fear is attacking me.

“Okay, I will. Give me a second.” I got my phone, went into contacts, and found ‘My BFF’ and press it. I put it on speaker.

I saw Selena scared. I won’t let them hurt her.

“Hello?" It was a male voice and Ivan was about to grab me, but I got to the point.

“Hi, can I talk to Marinette, please?” Ivan stopped. I hesitated before I spoke. “I am in the park with my friends, and they want to talk to her.”

“Oh… um… alright! Let me get Marinette for you.”

We are waiting until someone responds from the phone again.

“Hello?” This time it was a girl's voice that sounded like Marinette's.

“Hey Mari, are you busy right now?”

“Yes, but anytime for my brother. How can I help?”

“Well Mari, my friends want to know where you are right now so yeah.”

“Who are those friends exactly you are talking about?”

“Like, you know, in our old school friends.” I saw Adrien tapping on his wrist saying, ‘Hurry up.’

“Oh… Well, I am not far from Park. I am in the usual place, but we can meet up at… the Eiffel Tower?” I saw them smiling as they won. I smirked at this.

“Okay, Thank you! Bye!” I hung up after this. “Okay, now you know where she is. Let Selena go and I will guide you to where Mari would be hiding.”

“Well, we can’t just let you guys go like that.” Adrien walked closer toward me. “Alya said she will let you guys go but we didn’t tell you when we will.”

He then pushed me onto the ground.

“NINO!!!” Selena punched Juleka, who tried to grab her and ran to get me, only to be stopped by Rose, Mylene, and Alya.

I am on the floor now. “That wasn’t the deal!”

“I know, but do you think you can trust me more than I do?”

Lost DJ (Miraculous AU) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ