Best Friend Reunion

18 2 0

Demetria's POV

I could hear the people behind me had left, their scents showed they were gone but one in particular was still here. I waited in silence for it to also leave but he didn't. Why wasn't he leaving?

"Did you forget something?" I asked him as I turned my seat back around, so I could face him. I'm not exactly complaining that he is here, I guess I need his presence but at the same time I'm still infuriated.

"You seem to be in distress." He says walking towards my desk.

"What gave you that idea?" I say in a calm tone but it was more of in a sarcastic one. I guess I was being rude but I don't exactly feel like being nice, I am mad at this moment.

"You know, when I'm mad I usually train. Sweat the anger out." He says. What a nice way to tell me how he got that body of his.

"Good for you then." I say still making sure my face was neutral.

"Yeah, I was just sharing anyway. That's just me." He says putting his hands on the desk. His very large beautiful hands that looked like they got a professional manicure. Even mine aren't that pretty. "I mean, I'd say let's go train together so you can take it out but, I don't fight females."

"Excuse you?" I say as soon as the last words he said came out.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He says putting his hands up in the air in surrender. "Forgive me, Krasivyy. I meant women."

I know what he's trying to do and yes it's working!

"So you think you can beat me?" I say getting up from my seat.

"Can't I?" He replies. Right now is the moment I remember that he's a spy and has been training since he was 15. Which was 13 years ago and I was only 10. Wow, that's a big age difference, yet Damien is centuries older than Scarlett so I can't complain.

"Let's see." I reply getting off my chair. A spar he wants? A spar he shall have.


After almost 30 minutes getting ready to go fight my mate, I was finally walking towards the open field where I saw many of our warriors is their gear holding weapons and training together already. I saw Jandrèi talking to someone, I think Rue and he was in the same gear as the warriors.

I was wearing shorts I usually train with and a sports bra that matches. My hair was in a messy bun since I had it down all day today but I don't want it to get to my face when I'm in action.

As Jandrèi was speaking with Rue, his back was faced away from me but he turned around when I was getting closer. I didn't walk up to him but to the stand that held weapons.

I am well aware he's human so I prefer to use bow staffs to prevent hitting him directly. I have hurt some of my warriors because I'm not the best at controlling my vampire strength.

"Seducing me won't help, Krasivyy. Although it will have some effect." He says as he walks up to me with his bow stick.

"You talk too much." I reply which he simply smiles. I think he's seducing me and it's working unfortunately for me.

I asked Rue to be our referee. We both stood a great distance from one another as Rue stood in the middle. Jandrèi's smile was just adding fuel to my anger, he's so carefree I don't understand him. He started spinning his bow staff and then he stood in a fighting stance, ready for the call. Although his expression quickly changes, from playful to serious.

"Ready?" Rue asks, looking my way and I nodded standing in a fighting stance too. Then he looked Jandrèi's way and he nodded. "Fight!"

And from then, we both ran up to each other and the first thing I went for was obvious, breaking his staff so I can have advantage. The first person to be taken down was the winner. Although it seemed he was having the same idea.

He was not going easy and dare I say he has flips for days, I'm the one that did gymnastics here yet it doesn't seem like it. I got tired of trying to go east too so I started to go with my flips.

At this point, there was even people watching while we fought together. He somehow managed to make me lose my weapon from a distraction i don't know what and he took that opportunity to try tripping me with his staff but I was quick to do a back flip and in the process retrieving my staff and when I went to hit him, he was already blocking the impact but it was so strong both staffs broke.

My hands held the two broken pieces in disbelief and so did he. The impact hurt my hands but that isn't supposed to be possible unless my opponent had equal strength. I mean, as my mate he is supposed to be my equal but like with the strength too? I'm confused.

"Well, I underestimated you Krasivyy." He says. The fight was about to continue until I could smell the scent of musky wood cologne. A low growl escaped my throat when sudden farmiliar scents invaded my nostrils.

I turned to my left only to see a tall blonde man walking with a red haired girl hand in hand, headed this way and I immediately mentally cursed to myself. If I had mind link like the wolves I'd be shouting at Jasmine right now.

Jandrèi's eyes were also on the new arrivals when I looked at him, his chest still heaving up and down from the energy eating activity we just had.

My anger was just getting better and THIS happens? Wonderful.

"Demetria! Of course this is where you are!" Scarlett screamed as she ran towards me and immediately when she was in front of me, she did something I did not expect at all.

She lifted me from the ground like I was a little kid, making me drop my sticks and started spinning me around.

"Sc- Scarlett! No!" I say making her put me down. As soon as she did I tried catching my breath. She did not have this much energy before what is this?

"I'm so sorry." She says holding her hands towards her mouth. When I was able to finally compose myself, she went for another hug, without spinning me this time.

"Oh- okay." I say when she burries herself into my chest. Yes, she and I are the same height but somehow she manages to either be the baby or treat me like one.

"I missed you so, so much." She says still holding me. My chest warmed up at the words, now I feel a longing sensation like I also missed her.

Well I did but I shut everyone out and removed them from my mind and all their memories I couldn't even know how much I missed them, and I missed Scarlett very much. I returned her hug and wrapped my arms around her neck brushing her now short hair. When she released me, her eyes were watery and her cheeks were pink and I removed some of her hair from my face as she smiled at me. Her forestry eyes glistening with happiness. She no longer keeps her eyes red anymore.

"I missed you too." I reply as I kept wiping her tears away. Somehow the anger lessened when I saw her innocent self and remembered the first day we met, I loved Scarlett and she did not deserve me disappearing on her like that. I admit it was a jerky move.

This is a reunion I did not think I needed.

My eyes moved from Scarlett to the man that was now standing behind her. Our eyes met and instantly my mind and heart were confused on how to feel, I know I said I wanted to give him a second chance but the last memory I had with him clouded my mind. I don't know how to feel.


Hey guys! Here's a new chapter! Enjoy🫶🏽

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