Woman cult

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Jandrèi's POV

I woke up in a strange room and an oddly comforting bed. I mean my bed in my house is comfortable but I'm pretty sure this is not the same bed. Noticing my surroundings, I was in a dark grey room that looked a little over the middle age style though it was still nice. Whoever owns this room must have a love of the old ages to design it this way.

It's big, wide and.. empty. There's furniture in it but it doesn't look like home.

The last thing I remember was a golden light and those blue eyes. Her blue eyes. She kidnapped me, she freaking kidnapped me.

I have never thought I'd like being kidnapped before and yet here I am. She's probably going to torture me and kill me but at least she'll be hot doing it.

The first thing I checked was what I was wearing and it was still my pants vest, without the jacket, shirt, tie and belt, all my weapons were gone. I kept looking for them but nothing. She's smart too, she's just amazing. A woman in short blonde hair suddenly enters the room holding a packet of grapes in her hand. She was wearing black cargo pants and a black sleeveless top showing off her tattoos which reached to her neck. Her brown eyes were looking at me in disgust and I just stood there unsure of what to do.

"Du sie nicht finden. Ich habe jeden einzelnen von ihnen entfernt." She's German, that's refreshing.

"Wer bist du und warum bin ich hier?" I reply to which she only looked at me up and down.

"Nicht dein Freund oder Feind. Die Königin wird Ihnen alles erklären, wenn Sie ihren Befehlen nachkommen." She says. Queen? Are they running some sort of cult?

"Wo ist dann die Königin?" She gave me a sadistic smirk as she turned her body to the door.

"Meine Königin." She says before proceeding to opening the door behind her. I had expected someone more intimidating but all I got to see was the stunning woman I met last night. Hopefully it was last night. I am hungry though.

She was wearing different clothes today as her hair was tied into a low formal bun on her back. Her eyes forever glistening with their ocean blue calming colour. Her thick and pink lips just lying there waiting for mine. I smirked when I saw her but her face remained the same. She's probably going to regret kidnapping me.

"I shall leave you to it." The blonde girl bows before she leaves. She bowed, she literally bowed. What the hell? What is this? She makes people bow at her?

"Wait now people bow at you? Are you running a cult, lyubov?" I expected her to laugh or at least roll her eyes to see if she got the joke but she didn't react.

Instead she walks in the room like it's normal and goes to a table I only notice now that it was there. There was what smells like whiskey from here. I shift myself so I was now in a seating position, I hold my head feeling a little headache from whatever they did to me. I don't remember them hitting me to knock me out.

"Whiskey? It's not poisoned." Well, now how did she read my mind?

"So you kidnapped me, put me in an unknown room and offer me whiskey? You do realize my line of work does not allow me to trust right?" She only shrugs and pours two glasses before taking a seat on a chair near the table.

"To cut everything short and answer your obvious questions. I am not a spy, I do not work for anyone, everyone works for me and also, you're in London right now." She says taking a sip of the alcohol in her hand.

If I had a liquid in my mouth right now I would be spitting it in disbelief at the new information she just dropped on me.

"Wait just a minute, I'm- I'm in London? You kidnapped me and shipped me to London?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, how on earth did she manage to do that? Why would she kidnap me if she isn't a spy?

"Yes. I asked you to leave but you wouldn't listen now here we are and you can't even leave yet." She replies.

"Why not?" I don't see how there isn't an easy way to all of this.

"You've seen way too much. Besides Jasmine thinks keeping you here for a week will be beneficial to everyone." She didn't sound like she liked the idea.

Seen too much of what?

"If she works for you shouldn't you be in charge of that then? I mean what benefit do I have here?" I removed myself from the bed and took seat because if she just told me I'll be here for a week then what can I do? But all of this feels like a trick so I'll just wait and see.

"Because what you know can risk my whole kingdom and the whole supernatural world. I can't risk that mistake, especially since the other royals think I'm still a little girl." She said the last part more to herself than me.

Supernatural world? What is this teen wolf?

"What is this Queen thing about exactly? Why is your friend calling you a Queen and why are your bodyguards only females? Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing or they wou-." She cut me off before I could finish whatever I was blabbering about. Trying not to offend women can be a bit challenging sometimes. I never fully figure them out.

"You talk too much. Take a shower, I'll tell you everything over breakfast." She instructs me as she got back up and started walking to the door.

She had changed from what she was wearing last night to a business suit, she looked like she was going to work. But what had my attention more was the fact that her hair was done the same way as yesterday, I guess she's the type to always stay formal. One thing we don't have in common.

"But just to be clear, you're not going to kill me or torture me right?" She lifted an eyebrow at my question. The action alone is attractive, is everything she does going to be hot?

"You have 30 minutes, Jandrèi." She didn't even give me time to react to the way my heart was beating at her saying my name, what the fuck?

How did she know my name? More importantly, how come I'm falling in love with the way she said my name? What is she doing? Maybe if I showered really quick I could see her again. When I said my life span gets shorter with every interest I have I meant it. I'm not even sure I want to leave as long as I get to talk to her always. I don't know what she's doing to me, and I think she knows the effect she has on me


I'm glad there were clothes that actually fit me here. Did someone buy me an outfit? And what is their obsession with cargo pants? I'm not complaining, cargos always look good on me, maybe because I have a nice physique. There's also a white long sleeved shirt and boots. Formal looking boots, they looked a bit like mine though.

I saw the clothes as soon as I finished showering and went to the bedroom. I am calmer than I'm supposed to be considering the whole organization is probably searching for me, Olivia doesn't know where I am at the moment. Shit! Olivia, I completely forgot about her. I need to send her a message or something.

There was a knock on my door almost startling me. I guess my escort is here. I made my way over and opened the door. To my surprise, it was a man in a buzz cut and a match on his mouth. He was the same height as me wearing what seemed to be fighting gear.

"My name is Stone, the Queen has asked me to escort you to the dining hall." He says, his accent is also American.

For people who live in London, they all sound American. Except for the woman with blonde hair, she is German. Another thing I want to know is why people here look like tattoo artists. Stone doesn't have a single piercing or tattoo but he still looks like a tattoo artist.

Nonetheless I nodded and we started walking together. It's already turning out to be one hell of a day today. Boring Sundays for who?


Hey readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter cause there's still more. Stay ready🫶🏼

Red On My Handsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें