Evil Stairs And Who's Circle

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Me: *after returning from a weeks-long impromptu holiday from Civilisation to tour the Himalayas with my favourite cousin* Hi there!! Missed me?


Forbidden Forest
20th April, 1943

":Heads up, there's a bush of stinging nettle to our eleven!:"

Tom hummed in answer, noticing the almost four feet shrubbery gleaming under light from the conjured ball of light. Tom stepped to his right, avoiding it by at least two feet, being careful to ensure he didn't lose his path. It was nearing midnight, the Full Moon was shining brightly in the sky, though its rays dimly illuminated the thick Forbidden Forest.

Hadrianus was walking ahead of him, using his experience and apparently enhanced sense to warn Tom about the dangers and routes to the cave of the Mooncalves. Tom hadn't believed him at first when Hadrianus said being an Animagus enhanced people's senses, not until he saw the proof before him, still, he would have preferred if Hadrianus stayed in his Animagus form, even if Hadrianus refused, arguing with him that his form was that of a predator, and it might tick off the Mooncalves.

Tom had yet to determine whether he should focus on rituals to enhance his senses or learn to be an Animagus, which has its own perks. Maybe he would do them both?

He would like to have enhanced senses as Hadrianus did. Being able to smell the cave of Mooncalves from miles away like a predatory animal was certainly not an easy feat, especially when Hadrianus was still in his human form. Tom was torn between worry and pride. Worry for his future son who must have explored the Forbidden Forest regularly to completely map out the forest in his head. And pride, knowing his son was raised to be better than most magicals, someone who could easily navigate tricky places like the Forbidden Forest.

Hadrianus called out to him, warning him to stay off the path frequently walked by centaurs and trolls, jokingly saying he knew from experience that treading onto their lands wasnt pleasant.

Dear Merlin, how did the child survive this long?

That thought didn't sit with Tom very well.

He swore he would be putting every tracking charm he knew on his son the moment he took his first breath.

He would lock him in a tower in the middle of the ocean and lock it with various enchantments until he was old enough to go to Hogwarts. Tom sighed, Hadrianus would just find a way to break free and go find trouble under the ocean. Probably befriend a kelpie or some other man-eating creature.

At least Tom had enough sense to research beforehand and put some notice-me-not, smell-neutralising and silencing charms on themselves to avoid the predators.

":I hope my Animagus form is similar to yours.:" Tom hissed softly, looking around the forest as he walked briskly, following Hadrianus.

Hadrianus sniffed in response, ":I'll have you know your Animagus is an adorable kitty cat.:"

Tom flared his nostril, flickering a hex at Hadrianus's back as punishment even when he merely deflected it without even glancing towards the incoming hex.

":I'm not!:"

":Are too!:"

":I refused to participate in these childish squabbles!:"

":Only because you know that I know the answer.:" Hadrianus replied, before pausing in realisation, ":Wow, how the tables have turned! I'm really liking being the mysterious one with all the answers!:"

Tom glared at him, before crossing his arms over his chest and looking away with a scoff

":How much longer?:" Tom deflected. rolling his eyes when Hadrianus snorted, knowing very well what he did.

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