"Yeah, a few years. We still kept in touch for a while after college, but then life happened like it always does and we kind of drift apart, I guess..." Allison says, looking a little sad.

Lydia continues, addressing Stiles. "Allison was actually the friend who kept telling me about Beacon Hills. She had been away for a few years when we met, but after her mom passed away she kept telling me she wanted to come back and would tell me great things about this town. She made me feel drawn here." She turns to Allison. "And I wanted to find you; I could use a familiar face around here." Both girls smile.

Okay, so maybe Stiles shouldn't have cursed Allison. How rude of him. He's about to open his mouth when Allison interrupts him, a little aggression in her tone.

"Wait, are you still with that jerk Jackson?"

Lydia blushes and shakes her head no and, as if on cue, Ariel and Eric come running to them. She whispers to Allison. "No, but maybe we can talk about it some other time?"

Allison nods, but is doing it in slow motion because her eyes are fixated in the cutest little girl she's ever seen (aside from Claudia, of course). "Oh my god, is that Ariel?"

Stiles grins. "What did I tell you?"

Lydia grabs Ariel by the hand and expects to see Eric by Stiles' side, but the boy is with Allison. And they actually look alike. "Wait, Eric's your son too?" Allison nods, her hand playing with the boy's hair. Lydia turns to Stiles. "So what does that make you?"

"Brother-in-law. But Ally is actually like my sister."

"Awww." Allison makes a face. "You're the best, Stiles."

He smiles at Allison, then at Lydia. "She just says that to make me babysit. Ouch." Allison pinched him in the arm.

"Shut up. You love it." Allison laughs, but her attention is suddenly requested by Eric. She bends down a little, enough for the boy to whisper in her ear. Lydia glances at Stiles to catch his gaze but he's looking down, making faces at Ariel. The girl is actually laughing back at him.

"Okay. Hmm let's see." Allison gets up, putting her hands on Eric's shoulders, facing Lydia with a big smile on her face. "Eric wants me to ask you if Ariel can come and play with him later."

Lydia stares at Ariel, unsure. She really wants time with Allison, it's one of the reasons she came to Beacon Hills. But should she?

Allison doesn't give her much time to think. "Please, Lydia, come. We have so much to catch up on. And you could meet the whole pack. We always get together at the park every afternoon. You'll love it. And Ariel will have plenty of other kids to play with. And besides it's Thursday. The week is already ending anyways and I'm sure Cora won't mind if Ariel is a little tired tomorrow. Hell, she'll love to get to know her better."

"I'm not sure I follow..."

"Cora is part of the pack. Our group, I mean. You'll love everyone. Please come. Pretty please." She's making Lydia puppy eyes now.

"Oh god, I haven't seen those in years," Lydia laughs, turning to Ariel. "What do you say? You want to play with Eric later?" Part of her hopes her daughter will say no, but the rest of her wants the girl to scream yes.

Ariel nods a little reluctantly now that the attention is on her, but manages a little smile.

"It's settled then," says Allison. "We usually meet in a park about three miles from here, but you'll never find our spot by yourself. So I'll meet you here at six and you can follow my car. Sounds good?"

Lydia looks at her watch. If she leaves now, they have time to go home and change, as well as to grab something to eat. "Sure."

"Great." Allison looks like a teenager, excited as she is. "Here," she hands Lydia her cellphone. "Just type your number and I'll ring you so you can save mine." Lydia obeys and before they all leave, Allison makes sure to make her move just like she and Lydia did for one another back in college. "Oh, and you should get Stiles' number too. You never know when you'll need it." Allison is grinning.

Know Better - A Stydia AUWhere stories live. Discover now