Chapter 4. The other app

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The application is kik. My username is: PeakSteward.

This was the last message Helen had received from her unknown friend, it seemed strange to her because the account through which they had spoken so far had been deleted. And for that reason the desire to get to know him better increased.Helen had no idea what kik was. If they took her out of the wonderful triangle of her social networks, Facebook - Instagram - Snapchat, she was lost, as if a granddaughter was showing a Tiktok video to her grandmother, but what an abomination this is!, both the grandmother and Elena would think.
Sge went to investigate this new application and it didn't seem so bad. All that was needed was an email, username and password. No other data, the email was not visible, no profile, nothing. A fitting app for what was expected of her new relationship with the guy.She gave herself the most random username she could think of at the time and, of course, didn't bother to add any profile picture. With her new account already created, she hit the magnifying glass typed in his name. He came up with the first one and had the same profile picture he had introduced himself with on the first day. One thing he noticed about the application was that it showed how long the users had been there. His friend had been on for 2 days.

I hope I learn how to use this fast, was the first message Elena sent him. 

Next to the message was a small letter S, which she assumed it means that is sent. This letter quickly changed to D for Delivered. And just before she closed the app she saw the R for Read. The boy was attentive.

Relax, it's not much of a complication, how was your day today?

The first messages exchanged were genuinely results of the interest they showed to each other. Without giving much information about their personal lives, they talked about their day. But they also shared their first impressions.Elena liked the way he has of expressing himself, he showed authentic interest in her, and from time to time he would send her a naughty message. She was dying to continue that kind of conversation. She wanted to read mor of what he had to say abour her. But it was daytime, she was in the office and she knew that this was not the right time. The boy said he had the same problem, but he knew how to behave well.Deep down they knew that those ordinary messages were just setting the stage for what could happen the moment the two of them found some private time to share with each other. So all of their attention could be focused solely on each other's cell phones.

I'm finding you very interesting and I'm really enjoying getting to know you. May I know where you're from?

As Elena read the message, everything she had done since she uploaded that photo flashed before her, like a jolt of reality. She felt that revealing where she was from was very characteristic of her, as if in a country of almost 50 million people, they were going to meet and everyone was going to point her out on the street.I'm from Italy, and you?" she lied.

From Italy! How wonderful! Now I understand what they say about Italian women being very sexy, they're right about you. I'm from England.

I hope he thinks the same about Spanish women, Elena thought.

Yes, the stereotype in this case is true, she included a wink emoticon in the message and before sending it, she added that she had finally arrived home.

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