Princess Rose Williamford

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The clouds rumbled furiously in anticipation of the storm that loomed.

Much like the enraged heavens, Rose stomped the halls of the mountainous palace she shared with her dear husband.

The journey to her destination only took her an eternity but her determination never once withered.

"Ma'am, I beg, slow your pace. The floor has just seen the cloth. His Highness won't be very pleased if anything were to happen to you."

Martha pleaded with her noblewoman as she ran hastily behind her.

She treasured her duty desperately and she feared the likelihood of any incident that might cause harm to the lady.

The Prince would lose it if anything happened to his future Queen.

"Has he gone yet?"

Rose's heart fell to the pits of her stomach at the thought of her husband leaving without saying goodbye.

"I doubt it would be ill-intended ma'am."

Martha attempted to calm the lady down but Rose sped up her pace.

The Princess's mind ran a marathon. She could not believe what was about to happen.

She understood her husband had duties he needed to fulfill but she didn't understand what duty his recent act would be good for.

When she finally arrived where his carriage was being prepared, it was clear to her he truly wasn't planning on announcing his leave.

Her eyes glistened with tears as she stared at the man who owned her heart preparing to leave her. He was going to a place he promised her he would never return to.

Her heart felt dense against her chest. She didn't like the image that stood before her.

Prince Edward stood idly on the side when his wife appeared. He felt his heart beat a mile a minute at her sight.

"I have to, my love. I know you don't understand why but they are my family."

Edward spoke softly to his wife, as if she were a rare jewel. To him she was.

The last thing he wanted was to hurt her but he knew she would never understand. That was why he'd planned his trip without informing her.

He didn't want his relationship with his wife to be at odds right before leaving the kingdom for an indefinite period.

He was going to return to her soon enough and they would talk through whatever they needed to, maybe even fight through it... as long as it would be after he returned.

"They have done nothing but conspire against us. They wish me dead and you will still run to them when they write."

Rose knew that even though her husband hadn't spoken to his family since their last scheme, he still missed them and wanted them to be present at the coronation.

"She is sick. My mother is sick."
His voice carried frustration.

Why did she not understand?

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