twenty three

18 7 1

20 Feb 2023. 1:30 p.m

Hey Haneen here, if you want to convey something, please leave a voice mail. Love you Waleed and little Hana.


Hey. Yeah so today I tried to read Quran. And you know what another way of guilt washed over me you know, because I could not read a single word what was written. It's like I couldn't remember how to merge them but it's okay. I decided to start from basic. It's hard to pray all five times now. At times I feel lazy and the devil forces me to pray afterwards but since I had decided to change myself, I decided not to let devil win.

You know, hana is pissed with me and that's understandable. It's gonna be hard to win her love back but it's okay I will do it.

Waleed the person who is trying it's best.

I know it sound cringe but beat with me.

Voicemail sent

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