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trigger warning•

The following chapter may contain some triggering event. You have been warned.


Waleed stopped drinking after he saw the dissapointment on her beloved face. He thought it would be easy to leave behind drinking and smoking bur who was he kidding?

Ever heard of withdrawal symptoms?

Yup, he was going through that. It wasn't even complete day when he found his heart clenching at the sudden burning pain and desire. His taste buds begged him to let him have a sip, only a sip. He was almost ready and his brain almost manipulated him, but the picture of his dissappear look on her daughter face came across his thought.

Throwing his pillow across the wall, he clenched his hair. He wasn't alcoholic, that's what he said to him, but in reality he was, maybe not completely but he was.

And leaving without alcohol and smoking was horrible.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he let them frantically wander around his surrounding to look at something, to calm the horror desire which his heart wanted.

And out of all the things, his eyes fell over the prayer mat, but instead of going towards it, he went towards the sharp blade.

Maybe he thought, if he could inflict little pain towards him, the desire would go away.

And that's what Waleed did.

One cut, a little blood oozed out

Second cut but a little bit deeper than the previous one, a little bit of blood travel down his ulna and fell to the ground just like the water escaping from the tap.

And he wasn't aware of the time, when it turned from afternoon to night, with his arms which used to be displayed with pure and bright was now painted with painful battle of his heart.


I do not recommend what Waleed is doing, it's a part of story. I have already given warning in the beginning, this is way different from the first book as it dwell more deep in the pain.

It's all part of the journey.

It was nice because I have heard people going through this.

It's your wish if you want to continue or not but I can assure you that you would never regret if you continue this. Because it's a journey of him againt this pain.

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