Chapter 2

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Maan saw Kirti's car parked in its spot when he returned and he checked his wrist watch.

She was back early. She was supposed to be out for shopping after lunch with Devika, who was now more fond of her than him. Not that he felt bad about it. The thought actually made him smile. And he wasn't even a bit surprised at that, Kirti was someone who with her sweet, quiet often shy nature made a spot for herself. Anywhere. He was glad of it too, because he had worried if she would be able to make friends here in Mumbai. if she didn't it would have gotten very tough for her. Not to mention lonely. But that never happened. As for Kirti shopping, Maan shook his head as he walked towards the elevator with his golf bag, she wasn't much of a shopper. He had been skeptical when she had told him abour her plans for today, and he had secretly wagered she wouldn't go or if she did go she would return early. But having said that, if one was to leave Kirti in a book store she could shop for hours and still not be satisfied. Guess, they didn't go to the book store. Not that he minded. He was glad she was home. Since the time they had bought the apartment he had become used to coming her. Not a single day had passed since they had started their life together where he had come home and she wasn't there. He hadn't demanded it. And truth be told it had bothered him in the beginning, he wasn't like the traditional men who wanted their partners to be dependent on them or be around at their beck and call. He had insisted, almost pressured Kirti to get her license, next he had bought her a car so she could be independent enough to go where she wanted without relying on him. Of course, Mumbai was a city with great public transport system and she probably hadn't really needed a license or a car to go around but just for his satisfaction. And she had agreed to it, getting both her license and learning how to drive. She was still a little shaky on Mumbai roads but she was gettig better by the day.

He had come home early as well. His standard time of returning from work usually around seven thirty or eight in the evening. Sometimes even later. But today he had had a golf game with a few of his clients and the plan had been to have a round of drinks before the meeting was to have ended. And Maan had anticiapted it to go on at least till about nine or so but the drinks session had gotten cancelled due to some of the people leaving early. 'Prior commitments Khanna', they had said. And he had been happy. He had wanted to come home, maybe suprise Kirti by cooking a nice dinner. Only she had returned before him. So maybe it won't be much of a surprise but he could still cook her that dinner he had thought of earlier.

Lately, Maan had noticed how he longed to spend more time with Kirti. How he liked to watch her face light up with joy over small things. And small things made her more happy than anything big he did for her. She was a simple girl, quiet in nature, taking her time around people, things. And most people assumed them to be her weaknesses. But he begged to differ. She possessed an inner strength which formed the core of her being. It took guts in his opinion to walk away from everything familiar and then adapt to a place, people, environment of which one knew nothing about only on the basis of trust. She had trusted him to take care of her, trusted him to make sure she would be safe and just on the basis of that trust she had left her family...for him. On one hand it humbled him and on the other it made him guilty, not overly much since he wasn't the emotional type but just a bit guilty. She had been close, very close to her family and since they hadn't approved of either him or their relationship she had taken the decision and chosen him. If for nothing else he had been humbled by just that. He had wondered how she would cope, but she had. He knew firsthand he had been selfish when he had proposed to her. And he also knew he had been arrogant enough to say that somewhere he had been sure she would agree, because she loved him...a lot. But knowing that hadn't stopped him from taking that route. He had wanted her, needed her in his life and he had made sure she was a part of it regardless of the consequences. He had no illusions about himself. He had been selfish in his decision or need or want, whatever one wanted to call it and he knew it. And she had embraced her new life with him, in this city with enthusiasm. Those were the reasons why he had made very sure that she had everything she asked for, not that she asked for anything, she was always happy and content with what she had. He had to push her for it. The only thing she had been ecstatic about was their apartment. The second she had walked in, he had seen a certain joy on her face. She had been so fascinated by the small balcony and the view of the sea beyond she had forgotten the fact that she had rejected a few apartments only because they had been so high up. They were on the twenty third floor of their building. And he hadn't wasted any time. Though it had cost him a fortune, but it had been worth it. Now they both enjoyed it. Their home. He liked the way that sounded. She had become an integral part of his life. Even though their relationship was based on equality and independence, at least he liked to think it was based on those two key factors, and that he had given her the choice to walk out of it if ever she chose to he somehow couldn't grasp his mind around that idea anymore. He didn't like to think what he would do if that day ever came, would he hold strong or he kept that thought locked away somewhere, deep inside, not even allowing it a breather.

He opened the door to the apartment with his key and took in a deep breath, relaxing. Just her presence was enough. She was here. And a strange calmness surrounded him. He had always felt that everytime she was around. Since the time he had known her. If he thought back it seemed like he had known her forever now. And still she managed to surprise him from time to time. Her thoughts always intrigued him. Sometimes her choice of words threw him off. Some of her actions were unique to her. Always bringing a smile on his face. He hadn't missed the fact that he had started to smile more now than he used to before. Just as he was now. Smiling.

She stood in the balcony by the railing. He propped his golf bag near the wall and placed his laptop on the table as he walked over to the balcony, stepping out and feeling the balmy breeze coming from over the sea now getting colder as the sun started to set. She didn't move. It was a bit strange since she always knew when he was around. It was a knack according to him. According to her it was love. Not that he ever argued with it. It made him feel secure and it soothed his soul. Her love was important to him and he knew he would never do anything to give her a reason which might make her rethink how she felt about him.

He put his arms around her and nuzzled his chin on top of her head loving the feel of her against him. She stiffened for a second before relaxing again. He had surprised her.

His instincts instantly picking up on her mood. Something was amiss. She had forgotten something today...something she had done every single day since they had started their life together. She had forgotten to tell him 'I love you more today...a lot more than yesterday'. And she never did that.

No matter what.


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