a/n: Version Intégrale

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So -unfortunately- this isn't an update (no shit Sherlock).

Ok, that's kinda awkward right now because it's been 5 or 6 months since I've uploaded (like back in 12/25/22) so yeah you get it.

I literally have no excuse and not gonna lie, I'm still halfway through the new chapter (and the year apparently) so I just wanna say I've been busy and stuff and lowkey a mess in distress(?) -both in life and regarding the book-.

All in all, I'm not ending the book but I sadly have to inform that until 6/15/23 I can't update because yk exams, degrees and all these beautiful stuff that make a lobotomy a literal wet dream.

Moving on. This update is because I wanna inform you about the publication of my first "blog" on my account "Vꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒ꪱׁׅᨵׁׅꪀׁׅ Iꪀׁׅtׁׅéᧁׁꭈׁׅɑׁׅ֮ᥣׁׅ֪ꫀׁׅܻ" where I'm gonna post spoilers of the upcoming chapters and so on.

You can add it in your library in case you wanna see any snippets of the V chapter (i already did).

Idrk if I'm gonna delete this a/n or not but until I've come to decide it, have a joyful life lol.

—strawberry cheshi

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