Chapter 4

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(Mixie POV)

I decided to explore my room more, then i find some empty books, and some pen too. Maybe i should start writing here about my time here!

Inside the journal

This is the second day after i wake up, or maybe the third one idk. The training wasn't that hard, i can easily
Hurt those bot with no problem

I shouldn't say that before cause now they/the bot really become more stronger and faster. My leg almost got destroyed by it, so now im getting treatment for it. Yay i guess...

And i also tried to befriend the other! Almond still 'rude' but atleast we can talk a bit now. Dark grey is nice apparently, he just a bit quiet

Im so tired right now, gosh how many time do i have to kill those damn bot? Its really bother me... Atleast Russet was nice to me and help me

My relationship with the other are getting better, Russet told me that he got the scar from his family that almost kill him. After these experiment it turn black, i feel bad for him :(

They just updated the bot, and now they can try to predict our next move. Such a pain.. and they also got some sword now, its hurt so bad.

I don't even think i can write for much longer, im getting lost track of time here

Hey... I finally write again wow... Well the bot just got worse, atleast i have someone to talk to (russet and dark grey) almond still doesn't trust me. But that okay i will earn it!

Nope things, got worse. Now we need to train with 2 bot a day. Even Russet was also agree that this is torture...

But hey atleast were going through this together, right?

Dark grey has become more nicer atleast, he told me that he was abandoned before by his creator. But he forgot who created him, i mean i don't blame him. I also have some memories problems.

Im starting to get these weird dreams... About some pink and blue stickfigure... I didn't remember who they are, is that a bad thing?

I also started to get these weird feeling that i know them deeply.

That doctor said that there will be a tournament! Wow that is just so cool. Cant believe im gonna fight someone, Russet also got excited about this!

(Im just exited to meet new people. not really like the fact that i need to fight them)

Eek! Today is the day where the other experiment from those lab come! Since our dorm are big enough, i will actually seeing them often!








The end of this chapter


Sorry this one is shorter, i was to lazy to make this one. But atleast i actually made this one (usually i was to bored to write about this).

Also did you see what i did there? A massive time skip, why cause im to lazy to write about that

Anyway i will try to end this story as fast as i can, i do hope i will. Anyway peace out!
- Author

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