Chapter 3

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Mixie POV:

I woke up around 1am, because some random noise. I decide To check on it

I go outside my room, and look around noticing someone who is sitting on the couch in the middle of 'the living room'. Hes a Brown stickfigure with an eyepatch on his left eye.

I guess he just got here, and decide to lay on the couch. When i take a step he notice my presense. We then just stare at each other for a moment...

"Execuse me, but who are you?" I asked, i was kinda nervous but i just ignore that feeling

"None of your business. Now Leave me alone." He demand me, i was suprise at the sudden response

'that kinda rude...' i though to myself. He then began to stand up and look at me, i think hes mad?

"Ugh. You wont leave me alone, arent you?" He asked

I didnt response, i just nodded my head

"Fine. I will just leave" he said as he walk away into a room with the lable #1.

'so number 1? is he the strongest or something?' i though to myself. Well i guess i cant just asked someone for their name.

So i just go back into my room, and sleep.


The next morning the announcement wake us up again. And i was just getting out of my room when someone touch my left shoulder

I flinch and look at whoever did that, its Russet from yesterday

"Hey Good morning" he said befo taking his hand back.

"Morning too" i answer while smiling. I mean atleast someone is still nice

"Lets go to the cafetaria" he suggest. And i nodded in response and reply "Sure, lets go"

So me and Russet goes into the cafetaria room, there i see the other guy from the night and the gray person from yesterday. But i didn't want to bother them so i just take my breakfast and Russet invited me to sit with him

"Um rus?" I asked, before taking a bite of my breakfast.

"Yes?" He reply

"Why are you so nice to me?" I said with a little confuse look. I mean its was kinda weird, why someone is nice in a rude enviroment.

"Because i want to?why are you asking me this?" He reply before he started eating his breakfast

"Um... Well, i just wondering. Since i think everyone else is just, rude while you are nice to me" i reply before continue eating breakfast

"Oh. Hm... I just didnt have the sane attitude from them. So here i am" he reply, he seem not sure with his answer

"Okay..." I said before taking another bite

~there was silence for a moment as we both eating our breakfast~

"So mix, how your first day here? Did everything turn out okay?" He asked me, and finished his breakfast

"I guess everything is Alright, i mean its not that bad..."
I said before continue eating my last piece of breakfast

He nodded "Okay" he then take a sip of his water

"Hey rus? Do you know everyone here?"i asked

"Yeah, i mean i have been here for a while. You wanted to know who they are, right?" He said with a little tone that show that hes confidence of his theory. I nodded in response.

"The one who you bump into yesterday is Dark Grey but i called him Grey. And the one with eyepatch is Almond... Hes uh, an intresthing stick." He then think for a moment before continue "Hes really secretive about himself, and i think i never see him without his eyepatch"

While hes explaining i was drinking my water, after he finished i put my empty glass "Oh. Okay then, so uh lets put our plate first?" I say as i stand up from my seat holding my plate. He nodded and copy my action, we then walked into the machine put the dirty plate and then as we going back into our table an announcement was made (about that they will start training)

"Well i guess i will see you later after it" Russet say giving me a smile, i smile back at him

"Alright then see you later" i say as i walk through the hallway, his room seem to be in a different hallway.

As i enter the training room i notice there another training dummy like yesterday, i Sigh and look at the camera there and nodded (gesturing that im ready for training). I then prepared myself as the doll start to turn on.


That the end of this chapter

sorry if this dissapointing, Im slowly losing intrest in writing this. But even if im actually gonna discontinue this im gonna still tell you guys the storyline.

I was thinking of writing some short story about my oc tho (or One-shots i guess?) But i don't know if im really gonna do that.

Well thank you for reading this story!

Words: 833

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