Part 23 - Positive

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It's been a few weeks now, and it's the Silverstone GP race this week. However, I was not excited for it as I had other things on my mind. It turned out I was late. The were signs before as I had been throwing up the past few days, but I just thought it was a sick bug.

I started panicking because I couldn't even think of being pregnant. I didn't think I was ready. So I decided to tell Sydney and she told me to get a pregnancy test to be sure.

I rushed to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. I then ran home to take it.

Fortunately for me Lewis was at the track already for the practice and Sydney stayed back with me.

I too the test and three minutes never felt so long. My legs were shaking up and down waiting for the results. After the three minutes were up I was to scared to look that I asked Sydney to look.

"Well Y/N... it looks like your gonna be a mother"

"What-" I said with tears in my eyes

"Y/N your pregnant" Sydney said with tears now in her eyes "what are you feeling about it?"

"Im happy, but scared... im scared Lewis isn't ready or maybe im not ready and I won't be a good mum"

"Y/N whatever you decided, I'll support you. If you decide to keep it you will be the best mum ever and I better be the godmother or aunt" Sydney said trying to make me smile which worked

"Haha yea I'm just so scared I'm gonna lose Lewis over this"

"Y/N don't think that, hopefully he is gonna be thrilled"

"Yeah maybe your right it's just telling him, is what I'm now worried about"

~Him & I until the end~                              Lewis Hamilton | YNWhere stories live. Discover now