Part 16 - The Party

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Me, Lewis, Sydney, Lando and Daniel decided to get ready at Lewis' motor home (well Daniel invited himself) and go to the party together.

Me, Lewis, Sydney, Lando and Daniel decided to get ready at Lewis' motor home (well Daniel invited himself) and go to the party together

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This is what I decided to wear and Sydney wore the same dress but in white. We both did our makeup and hair and left the room to see Lewis and Lando sitting on the couch on their phones waiting for us. When we entered the living room both their eyes darted on us (Lewis on Y/N + Lando on Sydney). Both of them didn't say a word they just stared at us, but the silence was cut when Daniel made his entrance into the living room with a bottle of champagne and weird pineapple sunglasses on making all of us laugh.

"Okay guys so I decided to rent a limousine for us to go to the party in"

"Yess Y/N, this is the girl I know and love" said Sydney

"But I love her more" replied Lewis smiling at me

I ended up laughing because they started arguing who loved me more.

Me, Lando and Daniel laughed and decided to walk to the limo waiting for Lewis and Sydney to realise we had left. After a few seconds they both came running out, scared we had left. When they entered the car, the limo was filled with laughter and Lewis lightly punched my shoulder.

On the way to the party, everyone was singing songs and I whispered in Lewis' ear that I'd be talking to Carlos by myself as I wanted him to have a good time. He cut me off by kissing me on the lips as I started to over-talk the situation and making a fuss about it. I soon calmed down and smiled before kissing him again.

"Get a room guys" blurted Daniel as he sat next to us with a confused look.

We laughed it off and soon enough we arrived at the venue. Me and Lewis were the first to leave the limo followed by Daniel then Sydney and Lando.

We entered the venue and the atmosphere was amazing

We entered the venue and the atmosphere was amazing

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~This is what it looked like~

Soon enough the drivers began to arrive with their partners and I greeted them all. Then Carlos arrived and my heart stopped as I realized I had to speak to him tonight I told him I'd find him in a bit to talk. He just nodded at me.

Once everyone arrived I clicked a glass and shouted

"Are you guys ready for the best night ever?!"

Everyone cheered and the party begun.

Firstly, I decided to talk to Max as I hadn't actually spoken to him properly before and he was with Kelly so I walked over to them.

"Hey Max"

"Hey Y/N, thank you for inviting us"

"Yea no worries just wondering if you wanted to have a chat because I don't actually think we have spoken before"

"Yea sounds good, well this is my girlfriend Kelly"

"Hey Kelly, can I just say you are so gorgeous, and that we need to be friends you look so fun oh my god"

"Aww thanks Y/N your a stunner yourself, and yes we definitely need to be friends let me give you my number"

"Perfect thanks Kelly" I said giving her my phone

"So Max can I just say your qualifying yesterday was incredible not gonna lie I thought you were going to win today.

"Well wasn't expecting that Y/N but thank you. I do try my best every race. But tell Lewis congratulations for the win"

"I will don't worry, (Kelly handed Y/N's phone back) thanks Kelly message me or find me tonight to meet up with me I need to know you better. Right I have to go see you guys later"

"Bye Y/N" both Max and Kelly said.

I then walked over to Lewis who seemed to be having a good time and kissed him on the lips before picking up a glass of champagne.

A few hours past, and I only had a couple drinks and decided to find Carlos, I kissed Lewis goodbye and told him I'd find him after our conversation.

It didn't take me long to find Carlos as he was sat at the bar by himself. I walked over to him and asked if he'd like to talk now. He replied with a sad yes. I sat down next to him and we started talking.

"Y/N im sorry for the way I reacted I guess I was just jealous."

"I guess it's okay, I just don't understand why you acted the you did. I like you Carlos but as a friend nothing else"

"You don't mean it" said Carlos slurring his words I could tell he was drunk

"Right Carlos I can tell your drunk I can smell it on you so I'm gonna leave you and find you when you are sober"

"No wait Y/N" he said before grabbing my waist and kissing me on the lips

I immediately pushed him off me and saw Lewis waking out and screamed at him

"What the hell is wrong with you I have a boyfriend and your drunk"

"But Y/N I love you"

"Well I don't love you" I said noticing that Lewis had gone and tears filled my eyes.

Charles came over and escorted me away before I did something bad and sat me down. I just cried in his arms before sobbing

"I just don't understand I just wanted tonight to go well, for you and Lewis you guys mean the world to me I don't know where I'd be without you guys"

I then realized I couldn't see Lewis and asked Charles where he went and Charles told me he left. I then got up and ran out the venue to look for Lewis.

I had tears in my eyes and could barley see, I ran out into the road when suddenly everything went black.

Hope you guys like this part!

~Him & I until the end~                              Lewis Hamilton | YNWhere stories live. Discover now