Part 10

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We stood there for 10 minutes staring at each other before we decided to head back to lewis' house. I later found out Lewis had taken me to London, England I hadn't been there since I moved to Monaco it was nice to be back. I checked the time and it was 22:00pm and I said how I didn't have anywhere to stay and he simple said,

"You can always stay with me?"

"I'd like that very much" I said smiling at him "but what about my luggage?"

"Oh that was already on the plane and is now at my house"

I kissed him again and we walked back to his car hand in hand with smiles across our faces.

We got back to his house and Roscoe was there and ran to the door when he heard Lewis unlocking the door. Lewis picked Roscoe up and stroked his back, I also petted Roscoe and he licked my face making Lewis giggle and it was the cutes thing ever.

"I really like your giggle it's so cute"

Lewis started blushing and he put Roscoe down, locked the door and picked me up bridal style and took me to his room. He placed me on the bed and he got in and we started hugging, kissing and smiling at each other.

"I couldn't be happier" I said

"You make me happy" Lewis said while kissing my forehead softly.

We fell asleep in each others arms excited for our future.

Hey guys a short one for you! Thank you for reading this so far I'm trying to find ideas of where to lead this story but I don't know if I have any I don't know if I'm dragging this out too much haha

~Him & I until the end~                              Lewis Hamilton | YNWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt