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here's a funky one...

Ahsoka Tano was a Jedi who always followed the rules, except when it came to Y/N. Y/N was a smuggler who always lived on the edge, and their relationship was nothing short of chaotic. Ahsoka had never met someone who challenged her in such a way, and Y/N had never met someone who was so uptight. Together, they were a recipe for disaster.

One day, Ahsoka and Y/N found themselves on a mission together. They were supposed to infiltrate a base of Separatist droids and gather intel. Ahsoka was in charge of the mission, and she was determined to do things by the book.

Y/N, on the other hand, had other ideas.

As they approached the base, Y/N decided that it would be a good idea to distract the droids by making a loud noise. They found a pile of empty crates and started throwing them around, creating a commotion that quickly got the attention of the droids.

Ahsoka was horrified. "What are you doing? You're going to get us both killed!"

But Y/N just grinned and kept throwing the crates. The droids were getting closer, and Ahsoka realized that they were going to have to fight their way out.

Ahsoka drew her lightsabers and prepared for battle, but Y/N had a different idea. They ran straight at the droids, screaming and waving their arms like a maniac.

The droids were so startled by Y/N's antics that they stopped in their tracks, giving Ahsoka the perfect opportunity to strike. She sliced through them like a hot knife through butter, and within minutes, the mission was complete.

Ahsoka was shocked. She had never seen someone fight like Y/N before. They were wild and unpredictable, but they got the job done.

As they made their way back to their ship, Ahsoka couldn't help but feel a little bit envious of Y/N's carefree attitude. She had always been so focused on doing things by the book that she had forgotten what it was like to have fun.

Y/N must have sensed Ahsoka's thoughts because they turned to her with a mischievous grin. "You know, Ahsoka, maybe you could learn a thing or two from me."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. Maybe Y/N was right. Maybe she did need to let loose a little bit.

And so, as they blasted off into space, Ahsoka made a promise to herself. She was going to embrace the chaos, and she was going to do it with Y/N by her side.

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