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You were on a mission for the Rebellion, trying to gather supplies for the fight against the Empire. As you were sneaking around an Imperial outpost, you saw a familiar figure. Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi Padawan, was also on a mission, and it seemed like she was after the same supplies as you.

You and Ahsoka had met before on a previous mission, and you had been impressed by her bravery and skill. You had also found her attractive, but you didn't want to admit it to yourself. After all, she was a Jedi, and you were just a simple Rebel.

Ahsoka noticed you hiding behind some crates, and she approached you with her lightsabers ignited. You raised your hands in surrender, but she recognized you and lowered her weapons.

"Hey, it's you," Ahsoka said with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm on a mission for the Rebellion," you replied. "What about you?"

"I'm here to disrupt the Imperial supply lines," Ahsoka said. "Looks like we have the same idea."

You nodded, and you both decided to work together. You fought your way through the Imperial soldiers, taking out anyone who got in your way. Ahsoka was a fierce fighter, and you admired the way she moved with grace and speed.

As you fought, you felt a strange connection with Ahsoka. You couldn't explain it, but you felt like you had a deep understanding of each other. It was like you were meant to be together, even though you had just met.

After you had secured the supplies, Ahsoka suggested that you take a break and rest. You agreed, and she led you to a quiet corner of the outpost.

You sat down next to her, and she leaned against the wall, looking up at the stars.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in this fight," Ahsoka said. "But then I meet people like you, and I realize that there are others who believe in our cause."

You nodded, feeling a surge of emotion in your chest. "I believe in you, Ahsoka," you said softly. "I believe in the Jedi, and I believe in the Rebellion."

Ahsoka turned to look at you, and you saw a hint of something in her eyes. Was it...attraction?

Before you could think about it any further, Ahsoka leaned in and kissed you. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it was filled with so much emotion.

You kissed her back, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her closer. You didn't know where this was going, but you knew that you wanted to be with Ahsoka, to fight alongside her and protect her.

As you broke the kiss, you looked into her eyes and smiled. "I think I'm falling for you, Ahsoka."

She smiled back, and you knew that you had found someone special. Together, you would fight for freedom, for justice, and for each other.

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