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JB landed within a trench looking at his surroundings. The undead were just around the corner of the trench. "Quickly"
His whispered.
Sam jumped into his arms and he set her down gently. Reznov jumped down next then Leonardo.
"We get the Generators on and let the others keep the dead occupied. Once online. We should be able to power the turret guns on the walls that will quickly disperse this horde"
Jb told them. "Don't let them surround you. Use whatever means necessary to keep fighting"
He added.
Jb lead the way with Sam by his side.
The first generator was just up the ridge. Jb signaled his second team to get the attention of the dead.
"Steel yourselves. Once the machine is on we will be killing at close quarters"
Reznov whispered.
Jb held his lightsaber close as the second team managed to get the undead's attention.
"Hey you Im up here!"
"Fresh meat right here!"
The undead started shrieking and growling as they staggered towards them.
Jb looked at everyone else and they had their weapons at the ready.
"Here goes nothing"
He pressed a button activating the Generator. The element 115 inside began to manifest itself into dark aetherium.
The sound of the generator got the undead's attention as they began to stagger towards the group.
"Here they come!"
Leonardo called out.
The zombies began climbing the ridge either over each other or found a separate way to reach the team. JB was the first to kill. Swinging his saber mid ignition through a zombies chest sending back into the trenches but more were coming.
Reznov took the opportunity to shoot down multiple targets. "Die like the rats you are!"
He cheered. Sam did a front flip with her lightsaber dashing into a zombie. Her blade connected with its spine as she stomped into another. Leonardo shot multiple zombies reaching out for him as he kicked one back and shot it multiple times in the rib cage, the stomach then finally in the face.
The Generator pinged a small bell signaling that it was fully active. The turret guns on the wall began firing into the horde below.
"That's one. Two more to go"
Jb said leading the charge. He swiped at another zombie as the blade went through its mouth clean.

Sam kept up with Jb as he dashed through multiple zombies. They were a great duo.

Reaching the second Generator wasn't easy but defending it wasn't easier.
Sam activated the second Generator as it began manifesting the 115 into aetherium. Sam turned around and saw many zombies approaching.
"Maybe we should rethink this through?"
"I'll say"
Jb muttered. The zombies were closing in but were soon distracted by the third generator cutting on. "Figured you could use a hand"
Mason shouted. "Good timing!"
JB shouted swinging his saber at a zombie as Sam shot two more dead.
The guns on the walls became active and started firing on the undead within the trenches.
Three bridges came down crushing any zombie that tried to climb out of the trenches.
The Los Angelean Fragment was abandoned but its weaponry, food stores and homes remained intact for two decades. This was a permanent base for many survivors of the dark aether catastrophe.

After a while the trenches were thinning and the 110 survivors now had some hope of surviving. Thanks to JB and Sam. Jb knew Perseus would be coming their way and their welcoming would be short lived.

 Jb knew Perseus would be coming their way and their welcoming would be short lived

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